My shoulders slumped. Being reminded she was here for a job I paid her to do killed my mood more than anything. I watched miserably as she fed Julian.

"You really are my employee, aren't you?"

Her eyes widened as she realized what that meant. "Don't," she scolded. "I know what you're thinking and you did nothing wrong. I begged you to kiss me."

"No, I kissed you because I wanted to more than I wanted my next breath, even though I should've pushed down my selfish wants and said no." I pulled at my hair, wanting to give myself a black eye. "What the hell was I thinking? I will not do this to you. I won't start something that can't go anywhere. That's not fair to you. At all."

She opened her mouth, but then closed it and nodded silently before finally adding, "I understand."

I squeezed my eyes closed. Hearing her say that should've relieved me of my worries, but it only made me feel shittier, guiltier, and achier. And it made me love her even more.

Turning my face her way, I opened my eyes and forced a smile, trying not to focus on her exposed breasts. "It was an amazing kiss, though, wasn't it?"

Her smiled bloomed, which finally eased some of my troubles. "Yes. Yes, it was. You're right. A little slice of heaven is better than none at all."

Damn straight.

Chapter 21


Another week passed. Things between Pick and I should've smoothed out and fallen into a nice

, platonic routine.

Well, shoulda, coulda, woulda.

After we—or maybe it was just he—decided we weren't going to be anything more than friends, the sexual tension between us grew thicker.

One morning, I made sure I was awake when he got out of the shower because he never remembered to take clothes with him to change into. And he made sure to drop his towel and give me a show, like he always did. When he glanced my way at one point, giving me a side profile of him, I bit my lip and slid my hand under the sheet as if I was going to touch myself.

His gaze heated and his cock grew out from his body as if on command. I stared at it as I arched up my back and sucked in a breath.

"Fuck," he choked out.

Grabbing his junk, he rushed from the room. The bathroom door slammed a second later and I heard the shower come back on. I laughed, but then let out a little moan when I got to thinking about what he was doing in there, touching himself and sliding his warm hand up and down his thick, wet, slick—

So, yeah . . . I went ahead and touched myself for real. I finished about the same time he did because he cautiously poked his head into the room when I was still coming down off my high.

"Are you done fucking teasing me yet?"

I grinned and nodded. "Please enter."

"Jesus." He shook his head and strode naked to the dresser. "If only you'd said that before I took a second shower." When I snickered, he shook his head. "That was really low."

I couldn't feel guilty, though, because I felt too good. "But don't you feel a lot better now?"

He speared me with a glare as he jerked his jeans on. "I'd feel better if I could've done that inside you."

Even though I was completely satiated, my body heated again. "Maybe someday," I said.

His gaze flooded with misery, but he nodded. "Yeah. Maybe."

That night, he was beyond restless when he got home from the garage. He played with the babies while I finished supper, but he kept popping into the kitchen and checking on me, asking if he could help with anything.

"You are helping." I threw my hands into the air, flabbergasted with his antsy behavior. "You're watching the kids. Now go. You're driving me insane with your pacing and fidgeting."

"I'm not fidgeting," he muttered but left me with a moment of peace.