Pick set down the two carriers and fished his phone from his pocket. As he extended it to me, he sought my gaze with his own. When I realized he was trying to read me and see if I wanted to change my mind, my decision to stay cemented itself further. He wanted me here, but he'd never do anything to force my hand. That's why I didn't want to leave, because he wanted me to be my own person and make my own decisions.

I took the phone and entered my birthday to get into the home screen, which reminded me he had secrets he was keeping. Damn, maybe I was acting too rashly. I didn't know much about him.

But the phone was already ringing in my ear, and I still wanted to stay. My instincts trusted this man; they rarely trusted anyone.

My gut churned. Pick was getting the kids free of their carriers, so I turned away and hurried down the hall to our room.

When my cousin answered, a cold sweat poured over me.

"Hey," I answered. "I, uh, I guess I won't be coming back tonight after all."

Reese didn't sound suspicious at all. "Really? What happened now? The neighbors contract malaria?"

I didn't laugh along with her. "No. No." I shook my head and nervously started playing with my hair, winding tendrils around my finger and letting them corkscrew free. "The Rojas are all healthy now. Pick and I just . . . we decided I might as well just stay on, you know, for the foreseeable future, as . . . as his permanent babysitter."

When my cousin didn't answer, I squeezed my eyes closed and clenched my teeth.

"The foreseeable future?" she echoed.

"Yeah." I shrugged, making it sound like no big deal. "You know, just play each day by ear. He needs a babysitter anyway, and I still need a job. It just . . . it works well for us this way. And you and Mason get to keep your love nest undisturbed."

"Right." Reese drew out the word. "Because this is all about Mason and me."

Her scathing tone made me scowl. I opened my mouth to tell her I did want her and Mason to get some freedom from me—even if that wasn't the main reason—but Reese exploded.

"Seriously, what're you doing, E.? You're the one who convinced me why the two of you can't be together. So, why are you torturing yourself like this? You're going to end up falling for him, and then his wife's going to come home, and you'll be thrown out on your ass, homeless, jobless, and freaking heartbroken."

I sighed and closed my eyes, not about to tell her part of her prediction was too late. I'd already fallen for him.

"It's not like that," I argued. "We've never even kissed."

Reese snorted. "I was far and gone in love with Mason before he ever put his lips anywhere near mine. Love doesn't start with kissing or sex, it starts with feelings. And you and Pick . . . gah, you can't tell me there aren't feelings there."

I closed my eyes and sighed. "I can't leave, Ree Ree. I just . . . I can't. I know you don't understand that, but—"

"No, sweetie. I understand it perfectly, and that's why I'm worried. But I also want you to be happy, and I've never seen you as happy as you are with him. I'm going to keep worrying, though, because I love you."

My heart melted when I realized she meant her words. It was still so strange and amazing to me that anyone gave a shit about me. "And I love you too, but—"

"No buts. I understand. I'm just leery. And now that I've voiced my concerns, I'll shut up. Just remember, I'll always be here if you need me. I can at least promise you won't go homeless."

"Thank you." I bit my lip. Knowing she had my best interests at heart but was still suspicious made me second-guess myself. "You know," I said slowly. "Just to be on the safe side, maybe I won't take all my stuff from your place quite yet."

"Smart thinking."

After I hung up, her words echoed through my head. I walked slowly from the hallway back to the living room, where Pick was pacing the floor with Skylar. He turned to me abruptly, his gaze anxious.


"Well what?" Damn, he knew I was waffling.

"Did she talk you out of staying?"

The scales tipped in his favor again, and a glow lit me up from the inside as I shook my head. He'd been so worried about me leaving. It felt nice to be this wanted. Correction: if felt nice to know he wanted me.

"No. She didn't."

His stare narrowed. "You talk yourself out it?"