God, could anyone honestly be so thoughtful, sweet, flirty, and too hot for his own tattoos? Pick Ryan was too good to be true.

When I didn't answer soon enough, he lifted his hands to show me his palms. "Don't worry; I got all the car grease scrubbed off."

I smiled. Yep, he was definitely the perfect guy. But I shook my head at his offer. "That's okay. You haven't eaten yet, either. You go ahead."

"Woman, you better take my offer. That little girl there's going to turn hungry soon, and you'll get busy feeding her. Might as well eat while you have the chance."

"Oh, all right." Since he made such a good point, I stood and transferred my baby into his arms. It was obvious he was used to infants; the transaction went effortlessly. He grinned down at Skylar.

"Well, hello there, little precious. I've been dying to get my hands on you all morning." After he lifted her just enough to stamp a kiss to her forehead, he glanced at me with the same fond smile. "Go. Eat."

So, I did. I ended up in line behind Caroline. When she looked at me with a hesitant smile, as if she wanted to say something but was unsure about it, I leaned in toward her. "I recommend the potato salad. Reese makes a kick ass potato salad."

"Okay. Thanks." Her smile was shy but pleasant. She really was stunningly beautiful. But the dark hollows under her eyes told me something was haunting her. She scooped up a modest portion of Reese's salad, gaining my approval.

"How old is your baby?" she asked.

I bloomed with pride. "Three weeks today. She was a preemie so I didn't get to bring her home from the hospital until yesterday."

More shadows filled Caroline's eyes, but she gave me a sad smile. "She's adorable."

"Thank you. I think so too."

A small cry rent the air, and I immediately spun toward the sound. But Pick was already holding up a hand as he cradled Skylar in the other arm. "We're good," he called. "Ten just looked at her. That mug'll make any girl cry."

I arched an eyebrow at Ten. He lifted his hands in surrender. "I didn't even touch her."

"I think it was his awful breath," Pick offered casually. He jiggled Skylar lightly. She'd already calmed down and seemed fine again.

"Stop breathing on my baby, asshole," I hollered, making Caroline laugh, only to cover her mouth and blush.

"Hey!" Ten scowled. "What is this? Rag-on-Ten Day?"

"No, that's every day," Noel shot back.

Ten sliced him a dirty look, but didn't volley back an insult.

I returned to my seat between him and Pick with a plateful of food, where Pick was studying Skylar's face so intently I wondered if he was going to burst into tears.

"She okay?" I asked, sitting next to him. I didn't realize just how close he'd drawn his chair to mine until my hip brushed his as I sat down. A thrill of arousal streaked up the insides of my thighs.

He looked up, and the sadness remained in his eyes, but his lips lit with a panty-dropping grin. I had to blow out a breath to cool myself before offering him a smile in return.

"Yeah," he murmured. "We're great. I got the prettiest little girl right here in my arms, and she's soaking up every compliment I feed her. Life doesn't get much better than this." Then he looked back at Skylar. After seeing the tenderness and affection in his gaze, that was it, I was a total goner.

This man could have me any way he wanted me.

When he glanced up at me again, our gazes locked. I wasn't too sure what was happening here—traveling between us through a single stare—but it was big enough to crowd into my chest until I almost couldn't breathe.

"That potato salad sure looks good." He severed the contact and glanced down at my plate to, I swear, purposely kill our moment.

"Oh, here." I blinked myself back to reality. "Want a taste?" I hadn't realized quite what I'd offered him until I lifted the forkful to his mouth and he slid his lips around the sample. My gaze caught his as I slowly pulled the fork free. We stared blatantly while he chewed.

This thing between us was just too intense.

Once he swallowed, he licked his tongue over his bottom lip and around his lip rings. I nearly whimpered. "Mmm. That is good."

I nodded robotically. "Want another?"