"Huh?" Quinn was obviously confused.

Pick clarified. "You. Need. To. Lick. Her."

"Lick her?"

"Oh my God." I envisioned Pick spinning to glance incredulously at the other three guys with his hands in the air. "Is he serious?"

"He was sheltered," Ten explained. "Raised by his grandma."

"Oh . . . well, then. Hell yeah, lick that girl. Behind the ear, down the neck, between the breasts, all over her nipples, right up in her pussy, down her—"

"Right up in her . . . what?"

I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing aloud over Quinn's horrified tone.

"Especially there," Gamble added, and I found myself nodding in agreement.

Right behind my ears, down my neck, and all over my breasts were already burning as if they'd just physically experienced Pick's verbal assault. But between my legs burned the hottest; it could handle Pick's tongue quite nicely.

"Spreading jelly on it and licking that off works well, too."

I grimaced. Oh, no, no, no. That was something I never wanted to know about Mason. Eww. I hoped to God he wasn't talking about something he'd done with Reese. I'd never be able to eat a PB&J from our kitchen again.

"Damn, Lowe. Getting creative over there."

"I'm definitely going to have to try that on Aspen."

I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing aloud. Wow. I had no idea guys actually had these kinds of discussions with each other.

"So, you seriously lick . . . there? And she doesn't mind?"

"Mind? Why would she mind? Chicks fucking love that shit. I get requests for it all the time. Ten, baby, it's your turn to go down on me tonight."


"Sounds like you still need to learn the parts of a woman," Pick said. "Next time you guys are together, don't be afraid to explore. She won't mind. If you're touching, licking, kissing, and nibbling on every little place you go, she'll actually appreciate it. Trust me. Get down there at eye level with everything and just . . . look around. Test it out with your tongue. She'll let you know what she does and doesn't like."

"Loudly," Noel added.

I sighed a little, wishing I'd met Pick years ago. He sounded like a very considerate, thorough lover. I doubt he'd even let me zone out and try to escape to my safe, numb place. I bet he'd be able to show me what good, pure, honest sex was supposed to be like.

Regret burned my throat because I'd never had that, never enjoyed an intimate moment with a guy.

"I'd listen to Pick. The man knows what he's talking about."

"What the hell?" Pick answered. "Did I just get a compliment from Ten? Are you okay? Oh shit, are you dying?"

"Shut up."

Pick's chuckle warmed me from the inside out, just as Gamble spoke up. "Shh. Woman alert. Lowe's old lady is walking up the drive."

The men instantly settled down. A few seconds later, Mason called, "Hey, Sweet Pea." I could picture him snagging her around the waist and pulling her down onto his lap.

"Been grocery shopping, huh?" Ten asked. "Run out of jelly again?"

My mouth fe

ll open, hoping to God Reese had no clue what he meant. But when she said, "What is he talking about?" a little too sharply, I just knew she'd caught on and was sending Mason the evil eye for sharing too much with his friends.