"Wait. Cora, the . . . what?" Mason asked incredulously. "Cora the Whore-uh? Do you know her?"

"Hell, yeah." Ten grinned at us, nodding knowingly. "She's one of the football groupies, and my God, does that chick like to get freaky."

My hope for Quinn to finally enter the world of the sexually active wavered. I pointed at Ten. "So, you've . . . ?"

He lifted his eyebrows. "Fucked her?" he finished the question for me. "Hello. Did you miss the part where I said she was a football groupie? I'm a football player. Of course I've tapped that. Hell, Hamilton might be the only guy on the team she hasn't dug her claws into yet. And maybe Gamble. But she's fairly new to the groupie scene and Gam hasn't partaken from those girls in a couple months. So . . . maybe not Gamble either. But yeah, pretty much the rest of us have. Why?"

Mason and I shared another knowing glance. Finally, Lowe said, "Yeah . . . I wouldn't go telling Quinn that part if I were you."

Ten blinked, utterly clueless. "Why not?"

"Well. Quinn doesn't seem like the type who . . . "

When Mason couldn't seem to come up with a tactful way to put it, I blurted, "The kid waited until he was twenty-one to lose his virginity, you idiot. I'd say the fact he's already shared a woman with . . . well, you, isn't something he needs to find out about."

"Wow, now wait a sec. What's wrong with me?" Ten pointed to himself, clearly insulted. "I'm fucking flawless."

I snickered and lifted my hands. "No offence, but I certainly wouldn't want to stick my dick in anything you've already had yours in."

"Amen," Mason seconded.

"Hey." Ten scowled at us. "That's just . . . oh, I get it. I'd get a pussy too stretched out for the likes of your tiny little—"

"Okay, let's just go home before you say anything you'll end up regretting." I patted Ten on the shoulder before shoving him toward the door. "I'm not getting into a dick size discussion with you." Wouldn't want the poor kid to end up feeling deficient.

Mason followed along, chuckling and shaking his head. After we locked up and parted ways, I started for my car, humming "Baby Love" under my breath as I pulled my keys from my pocket and twirled them around my finger. My mind was already far away from Ten and his dick. I couldn't get a pair of amazing blue eyes out of my head.

I knew Eva Mercer was completely forbidden to me, but it didn't stop m

e from looking forward to seeing her again, more than I could remember looking forward to anything in my life.

Just two more days.

Chapter 11


When Saturday arrived, I was antsy as hell. I relieved Tristy in the morning by taking Fighter out to the nearest park, where I sat him on my lap as we swung on the swings. I even took him on the slippery slide once or twice but got some funny looks from a couple moms for that one. I didn't care, though. Julian grinned the entire time, which was all the consent I needed.

The rest of the afternoon dragged. I got a little cleaning done around the apartment, mainly the kitchen and bathroom, but I couldn't calm down.

Lowe and I hadn't agreed on a specific time, so I didn't want to show up too early, but by five o'clock, I couldn't wait any longer. After changing into something that would look nice, yet wouldn't kill me if I got it grease-stained, I carried Fighter into the living room and settled him into his swing, since Tris was busy on her laptop.

"I shouldn't be out too late," I told her as I scooped up my keys.

Her face zipped up as horror lit her eyes. "You're going out?"

Jigging my keys in my hands, I opened the door, letting her know that hell yes, I was going out. And nothing she said would stop me. "I'm helping a friend with a car."

"But . . . " She glanced helplessly at Fighter who was happily gnawing on a toy I'd given him. I'd already fed him, bathed him, and changed his diaper; he'd be fine for a while.

When Tristy looked back to me as if I was abandoning her to a tribe of cannibals that were about to burn her at the stake with a nice hickory-flavored barbecue sauce, I shifted my weight uneasily from one foot to the other. I would not let her do this to me. I would not let her make me feel guilty for leaving the house for a few hours. Mason was relying on me to help him with his girlfriend's car.

Shit, that was a lie. I wasn't doing this for Mason. I had to see Eva again, a selfish truth that made my guilt skyrocket.

I ran my hand over my hair, sighing. "It'll only be for a few hours. Damn, Tris. This is the first time I'm actually leaving the apartment since the kid was born."

"What the fuck ever. You leave every damn day."