But then I pictured her in the sleeveless wedding gown, the pearls glimmering in her hair, the ecstatic sheen on her face. It all sucked to the forefront of my head until I fell into a surreal state of déjà vu. The room seemed to spin around the two of us, and the two scenes—the here and now in Forbidden, and ten years ago in my glimpses—melded into one.

Oh, shit. I realized in that moment that our wedding reception would take place here, inside Forbidden. How had I not recognized that the first moment I'd walked into this place? I guess I'd always been so focused on her in my glimpses I hadn't paid that much attention to where we were. But why would our reception be here? Forbidden never hosted that kind of event.

I shook my head and blinked again until the here-and-now returned.

A fully pregnant Eva frowned up at me as if I was insane. "Did you just say our wedding reception?"

I grinned and nodded.

“But you’re already married.”

“Pff. Details.”

Deciding to just roll with it, I set the serving tray on top of the jukebox and captured her waist with one hand. Then I took her fingers with my other. When I spun her out onto the floor for a dance, she gaped in surprise.

I think she caught a hold of my shoulder more to balance herself than she did to actually dance with me, but that didn't matter to me. We were in the perfect position for a waltz, so I started a bizarre kind of two-step with her.

She didn't sho

ve me away, which was promising, since she was watching me as if I was completely mental. Tucking her in close until her protruding belly was nestled against me, I swayed us back and forth just as the song hit an intense part.

"All of my whole life through," I sang along with Diana Ross, pitching my voice high and putting my gut into it. "I never loved no one but you. Why you do me like you do?"

Shaking her head, Eva laughed. "Oh my God. You're crazy." But she kept dancing with me as I spun her around and bumped her back to me. Laughing again, she wrapped her fingers around my shoulder. "Seriously, do you flirt like this with every woman?"

I pretended to think about her question before shrugging. "Pretty much, yeah. Though to be fair, that eighty-year-old bun-head I helped carry groceries to her car last week might've been the love of my life. I mean, she had a cart full of fruit. I love fruit. We could've been meant for each other. Who was I to risk letting her go without testing the waters a little with a couple winks and a pinch to her ass?"

Tinker Bell laughed again. I really liked making her laugh. "Please tell me you did not pinch her ass. Did you?"

"Hey, she pinched mine first." When she laughed again, I winked and leaned in to whisper into her ear. "It was surprisingly firm."

"Oh my God." She had to cover her mouth with her next round of chuckles. "You really are an uncontrollable flirt. You must have one confident wife if she doesn't mind your teasing ways."

With a proud lift of my chin, I preened. "She claims it's my best quality."

Eva opened her mouth to respond, but a little bump nudged me in the stomach, interrupting her.

"What the hell?" I stopped dancing and stepped back.

Color flooding her face, Eva covered her stomach with her hands as if embarrassed. "I'm so sorry. She must like the music."

My mouth fell open. "Are you saying that was the baby that just kicked me?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I—"

"Oh, cool." I dropped to my knees in front of her and found myself eye level with her stomach as it shifted again. Mouth open in wonder, I placed my hands reverently on either side of the baby bump.

Tristy had never told me when Julian had been kicking her, but I hadn't ventured that close to her to find out, either. No way was I staying away from Eva's belly, though, not after her child had just made contact with me.

"Listen up, little girl," I called above the music. "I'm dancing with your mama right now, but as soon as you're born, you can have your turn. Got it, Miss Skylar? I have the perfect song saved for you and everything."

Another little bulge jabbed out of Eva's stomach in answer. I sucked in an amazed breath and pressed my hand to it. Skylar either high-fived me or kicked me. Still charmed out of my mind and sitting on my knees, I looked up at Tinker Bell to share my awe with her.

"That is just so . . . " I couldn't even fathom a word good enough to describe how much I loved connecting with her baby.

She shook her head, seemingly dazed. "How do you know her name?"

"Umm . . . " Shit. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too pissed at Lowe for blabbing. I climbed back to my feet. "Mason let the cat out of the bag earlier tonight." I hooked my thumb over my shoulder, totally incriminating him as I pointed him out.