"Tinker Bell," he said, except what I heard was, "I love you."

I sighed in dazed wonder, knowing that no matter where my life led me from here, I would always cherish this incredible man. Smiling up at him, I had to say, "I love you."

He shuddered and his eyes went unfocused as his cock swelled inside me. And that was it; I came for a third time, throwing back my head and pushing my breasts up against his chest. He groaned, his muscles coiling taut before he thrust deep and held himself there, releasing his love.

Afterward, we panted together as he collapsed on top of me like a heavy, limp anvil. I hugged him close, relishing these quiet moments of perfection. Then I couldn't help but ask, "So, how close did we come?"

He laughed, knowing I was talking about his glimpse, and shook his head. "Every fucking detail was spot on."

I sighed, satisfied. "Good."

He pulled back to gaze at me. "It's going to be fine now, Eva. No matter what happens next. Everything's going to be fine. I know it."

I nodded, glad I'd accomplished my job of giving him such peace of mind, because I was going to make sure everything was fine—for him and everyone else I loved.

Chapter 30


The next day, I waited until after Pick left for his job at the garage. I kissed him at the door, trying not to let on that it might be the very last kiss I ever gave him, and yet I was also trying to get as much out of it as possible.

And then he was gone.

I blew out a shaky breath, commanding myself not to cry. It was time to dig out Bitch Eva and get my attitude back on. Dropping the babies off with Reese, I gave her the excuse that I wanted to get my hair cut and styled. She bought the entire story, happy to help me watch my munchkins.

Mason wasn't so taken in, though. He caught my arm at the door before I left and leaned in close to whisper, "What're you really doing, E.?"

I patted his cheek with a grin. "Don't you worry about it. I'm going to take care of everything. All you need to concern yourself with is making my best friend insanely happy, remember."

But he shook his head, his eyes narrowing. "No, really. What're you doing? Do I need to come with you?"

I sighed in exasperation and finally got him to simmer down. "No, you do not need to come with me. Nothing bad is going to happen."

I was just going to sell my soul to the devil.


My hands shook as I entered

Forbidden twenty minutes later. It wouldn't open for business for a good eight hours, but all the lights inside the empty club were on and one of my father's favorite melodies played from the jukebox, making my skin crawl.

Uncertainties rose as Pick's voice filled my head along with everything he'd say if he knew what I was doing: "What are you thinking, Tink? Turn around and walk out of there right now. This plan isn't going to work. Think about your babies. They need their mother. Think about me. I need you. I'll come after you wherever you go."

But I couldn't think of anything else I could do to save them. So I strode purposefully down the hall until I reached the door that said Manager on it. When I pushed it open without knocking, the first thing I saw was Quinn with his back pressed hard to the wall. He was tipping his head away from Mrs. Garrison as she leaned into him, reaching for his face.

I sniffed. "Bitch, you're pathetic."

She jumped and whirled around. Quinn immediately snaked out from between her and the wall. He hurried to my side, looking relieved that I'd saved him.

"Well, well, well," Mrs. Garrison murmured, glaring at me. "If it isn't daddy's special girl. Didn't he ever teach you to knock?"

I lifted my chin and crossed my arms over my chest. "Of course not. He taught me to do whatever the hell I wanted."

From the opened office door behind me, a familiar laugh haunted my ears and made my heart drum hard and fast against my chest. "That's my girl," Bradshaw murmured approvingly.

I turned and lifted an eyebrow, edging closer to Quinn without meaning to. "You wanted my attention," I said to the bastard. "You have it. Here I am."

"Yes, here you are." Eyeing me appreciatively, he moved into the office. His gaze flickered to Mrs. Garrison, and then Quinn. "Leave us."