“Oh, fuck, no.”

“That’s a really bad word, Mr. Mack. Don’t tell me you really are a troublemaker, too. Mom’s already got her hands full with the two of us.”


Didn’t even realize I’d said it out loud, but I couldn’t stop it.

Anger surging. Jealousy rising. Teeth grinding to dust as I put the truck into park.

I wasn’t about to sit there and watch this go down.

“Who is that cock—” Shit, I was slipping again. “—roach?” I fumbled to add on.


There I was, winning all kinds of points.

Dillon quickly unbuckled and flew forward. He held onto the headrest in front of him as he peered out the windshield. “That cockroach is Mom’s new boss. He’s a dentist. Do you like going to the dentist?”

That was her boss?

“Mom always thinks it’s sooooooooooooo good,” Dillon continued to ramble, “but I don’t like it one bit. That noise? Whaaaaaaaaaaaa.” He tried to mimic the sound of the water drill. “I don’t like it, Mr. Mack. Not one little bit.”

“Yeah, buddy, I don’t like it, not one little bit, either.”

And I wasn’t fucking going to let it happen.

No dentists for Izzy.

I hopped out, the engine still rumbling and roaring, and I strode their direction.

“Hey, Izzy,” I said as cool and calm as I could muster, a veneer to cover up the greed seething underneath.

Cockboy saw me first. His eyes narrowed in annoyance.


I grinned. “Boys are all buckled in my truck. Do you want to change cars or do you want me to take them home? They’re going to need baths. We stopped for ice cream after Benjamin’s appointment.”

Unease moved through that tight little body, Izzy swinging her gorgeous face toward me.

Could almost see her mind jumping right back to Monday night.

Knew she could still feel it, my touch burning on that lush, pink skin.

Knew she could still taste my kiss on her tongue, same way as I could still taste her.

I’d gone to sleep every night swimming in the remnants of the girl.

This stunning girl who was watching me like she was terrified to take one step closer because when she did, there was going to be no going back.

What she needed to know was we were unstoppable.

“Oh,” she squeaked, caught off guard as I got closer.

I just smiled.

“Um . . . well . . .” She fiddled and tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear. “We’d better get them shifted. I need to swing by the store on the way home for milk.”

Wanted to offer to do it for her, but the asshole beat me to the punch.

“I actually have to stop at the store. I don’t think I live that far from you. Want me to drop some by?”

Was he serious? Her motherfucking boss? I wanted to knock him in the mouth.

“Oh.” This time she was slanting that surprise at him, stumbling around her thoughts, the poor girl getting tossed from one rope to the other in a wrestling ring. “Oh-oh . . . I don’t think that’s a good idea. That’s very nice of you, though, but I can manage. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Dropping her attention to the ground, she turned around and started in the direction of her car, not even slowing as she passed where I stood, though she cut me a look that told me she knew exactly what I was doing.


I stared down the prick who was watching her go, the guy grinning at me like he was up for the challenge.

“Hi, cockroach!”

I flung my attention over my shoulder to catch Dillon with his head stuck out the back window that was rolled halfway down, hands gripping the top of it, shouting at his mother’s boss.

The guy’s smug smirk faltered, and I reminded myself to give Lil’ Dill five bucks later.

“Dillon,” Izzy scolded, horrified, moving for her car. She tossed her bag into the front seat.

“See ya,” I told him, backing away with my hands stuffed in my pockets, not even giving a shit that I was acting like an asshole.

I moved up behind Izzy. Her spine stiffened as I approached, and she straightened and whirled around, shooting me the sweetest little daggers from those big eyes.

I grinned.

“Don’t you dare go grinnin’ at me, Maxon Chambers,” she hissed low.

“What?” It wasn’t even meant to be a denial.

She huffed. “You know what I’m talkin’ about. You think I don’t see what you’re doin’? You might as well pee all over me.”

I inched closer, leaned in, inhaled jasmine and sweet and the sun. “First off, that’s illegal. I’m a cop, remember? Unless you want to do it in private. Then I might be game.”

Okay. No. Totally wasn’t into that shit. But I loved seeing her feathers get ruffled.

She gasped and a bright shade of fuchsia took to her cheeks. “Maxon Chambers,” she reprimanded like I was one of her kids.