His smile faded as he glanced at his ink. “I was pissed and feeling defiant after the first time I stopped accepting clients.”

“I thought as much.” Leaning forward, I kissed the words. His stomach muscles tensed under my lips and his hand petting my hair told me how much he liked the attention.

After obsessing over his navel, I skipped down his body, moving directly to his feet.

He sat up, resting his weight on his elbows so he could watch me. An amused crinkle lit up his eyes. “Hey, you missed a spot.”

I waved him silent. “Don’t worry. I’ll get to your ears, I swear.”

He shook his head. “That’s not what I was talking about.”

Glancing at the bulge in his underwear and seeing a wet mark spreading on the cloth, I blanked out for a second, overcome by this urge to climb into his lap and ride him that very second. I could almost feel the thick glide of him entering me already.

But I didn’t want to do something that would remind

him of anything…nasty. Unsure, I met his gaze. “I just…I thought maybe your…I was worried a couple of overeager clients might’ve touched it more than you wanted, so I didn’t want to…intrude.” I mean, if I had been paying him boocoos of money for it, I’d demand a little playtime with that specific body part too. “I didn’t want to—”

He tossed his head back and laughed. “Reese. Jesus, you are too cute. I don’t care about them. I just know I want you to touch it. I want your hands on me. Right here.”

When he skimmed his fingers over the exact spot we were discussing, I caught my breath, forgetting all about who had come before me. But holy tattooed gigolos, seeing Mason touch himself there was freaking hawt.

“My goodness, Mr. Lowe,” I breathed, trying to control my racing pulse by keeping very, very still. “I think that was just about the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Then you haven’t seen nothing yet.” With a wink, he wrapped his fingers around himself through the cloth of his underwear. As he pumped slowly, my jaws throbbed from the way my mouth watered. “I ache so bad for you right now, Reese, just thinking about sliding into you has me...” He closed his eyes and gave a full-body shiver as he groaned.

I think I might’ve had a mini orgasm. Seriously. A shockwave of awareness lit through me so hard and fast, I caught my breath in surprise.

“Well, we can’t have that.” Before he realized what I was about to do, I grasped his underwear and slid them down his legs, dislodging his hand from his junk, which was a damn shame. But what sprang free, all naked and exposed, left me with a whole new eye-party of astonishment. “Holy Mary, mother of God. That’s definitely the biggest I’ve ever seen.”

Mason’s eyes narrowed even as his cheeks flushed from the compliment. “Just how many have you seen?”

“Including you? Two.” Ignoring the suspicious question in his gaze, I returned my attention to his penis. Crouching hesitantly close, I cooed, “Hey there, big fellow. You don’t bite, do you?”

Mason laughed and groaned at the same time. “Damn it, Reese. Your sense of humor is going to drive me crazy before this day is over.”

“What?” I asked innocently, honestly confused.

“Just touch it already,” he pleaded from between clenched teeth.

Jeez, okay. He didn’t have to be an impatient crabby pants about it. I reached out and petted the length of it with two fingers as if timidly greeting a live, rabid animal.

Sweat beaded on Mason’s brow. He looked tortured, but he appeared to love every second of his suffering. “You are such a comedian. You know that’s not what I meant by touch it. It’s not a freaking dog.”

“Um, no. I’d say this thing is more the size of a bull.”

He gave a choked laugh. As much as he wanted me to get with the program, he was still having fun. I loved it. I’d never had fun while that other guy who-shall-not-be-named had been naked in front of me. I liked having fun with Mason.

“Now, why am I doing all the touching here?” Faking a pout, I sat back on my haunches and slapped my hands to my hips. “You haven’t inspected one inch of me yet. Don’t you like what you see?”

“I love everything I see.” His eyes glazed with instability as he frantically clutched the sheets under him. I was worried I might’ve pushed him a little too far. A little dirty teasing was fine; driving a man to hormonal homicide was not.

His brow glistened as if he had a fever. “But if I touch you right now, that’s it. I won’t be able to stop. I wanted to make sure you have all your playtime in before I get started.”

“Aww.” I patted his belly, a bare three inches from the head of his oozing penis. “Thinking of me first. That’s so sweet. Thank you.”

“Yeah, I’m a frigging saint. Now will you please touch my dick like you mean it before the damn thing explodes?”

“Oh, all right.” I let out a resigned sigh as if giving in to his demands was such a bother. Then I leaned over and touched his dick—with my tongue—stroking it all the way from base to tip with a hot, wet stroke.