Inhaling the tart odor of wet paint, I filled my roller with another batch of what the hardware store had called Nifty Turquoise and applied it to the wall, only to step back and admire my handiwork.

“Damn, I’m awesome.”

Behind me, Sarah giggled from her wheelchair.

“Shh.” Putting a finger over my lips, I whirled around to wink at her. “You didn’t hear me say that.”

She laughed again, her gray eyes twinkling with a mischief she had definitely inherited from her brother. “You’re awesome.”

“Okay, that you could hear.” I waggled the roller in her direction, threatening to paint her, and her laughter turned into delighted screams.

Once she settled down, I propped one hand on my hip and studied the bare, half-painted room. “You know, when this dries, I think the color you picked out is going to be amazing.”

Sarah clapped and chattered about her excitement, agreeing with me.

After moving out of Mrs. Garrison’s rental house, Mason had found a place that was actually affordable and close to Sarah’s new school.

Yes, I said new school.

In Ellamore, Illinois.

Can you believe that? I talked him and his entire family into moving back home with me. Now Dawn and Sarah had their own, snug, two-bedroom bungalow, and Mason and I were renting a place close to the university.

I’m not quite sure how he’d been able to convince his mom to pull up all her roots and move across the country to live near us, but she had agreed to the deal almost too readily.

I think she had been as eager to leave Waterford as Mason had been. Both of them had a past they’d wanted to escape. And they both seemed so much more laid back and relaxed now. Knowing his old landlady could never touch him again, Mason had bloomed in the past few weeks. And I loved every inch of the new man he’d become even more.

He was a spectacular, caring, faithful, totally hot boyfriend.

As if hearing my praising thoughts, he popped his head into Sarah’s new room. “Holy…Jeez. That is one bright color.” His eyes widened with horror.

“I know.” I beamed as I displayed the wall like a pro Vanna White imitator. “Sarah loves it.”

When he glanced at his sister, she clapped and cheered, so Mason simply cleared his throat, remained respectfully silent about his opinion, and picked up a roller to help me finish the walls.

See? Spectacular.

At some point, Dawn arrived and wheeled Sarah away, saying they were going to go grab some lunch, but Mason and I were so busy working we barely spared them a farewell.

We really were busy—until his mom and sister left, that is. Then things got a little…well, let’s just say they got busy in an entirely different way.

We were still very much in the lovey-dovey, touchy-feely, kissy-cuddly stage, you see. And since Eva had arrived on our doorstep two weeks ago after her parents had disowned her, our love nest apartment had been disrupted by my troubled pregnant cousin, who took over our extra bedroom. We could no longer just do it anywhere.

It was utterly aggravating.

So, these days, we attacked each other the moment we were alone.

Mason had just laid me down on Sarah’s bed—hush, don’t you dare tell—and was frantically trying to unsnap the button on my jeans when my cell phone rang.

“Damn it.” He rolled off me to lie on his back and cover his face with his arm. “If that’s Eva, I’m going to kill her. I swear that cockblocking woman has it out for me, trying to keep me from ever having sex again. It’s been forever since I was last inside you.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, my God. It was three days ago.”

“Exactly.” He groaned as if he were in pain.

Checking the ID on my screen, I poked Mason in the ribs. “You were wrong. It’s not E.” Answering the call, I said, “Hey, Mom. No, I haven’t changed my mind yet.”

Both of my parents wanted me to go back to being Teresa Nolan again. But so much had happened in the past few months, I really didn’t feel like Teresa Nolan anymore. I was Reese Randall now.