Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Ushering Ellie through a doorway, Helena kept talking as she walked them down a short hall and into the next room.
Ellie pulled to a stop when she saw all the people. Her eyes went wide at the sight of so many. But Helena just tugged her along.
"Hey, everyone!" she yelled over the noise of a dozen different conversations. "This is Cassie's mom!"
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Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Chapter Fourteen
Talk about a conversation stopper.
Ellie wanted to crawl through the floor.
When the room fell quiet, she feared the silence would deafen her. It was a complete one eighty from the loud voices and laughter that had been echoing through the house five seconds earlier.
"These are Cam's parents," Helena said, dragging Ellie along, either ignoring or not even aware of all the people who had stopped talking to gape.
"Chuck and Allison Banks," Helena continued.
Ellie turned form the curious eyes and focused on the couple before her. They looked about as startled as she felt for being singled out in the crowd.
"'s nice to meet you," Allison said, holding out her hand as well as a pitying smile, like she knew exactly how absolutely flustered Ellie was. "Cassie looks just like you."
"Thank you." The two women shook, and Ellie actually felt comforted by the dry, warm fingers that took hers.
"I didn't catch your name," Chuck said, holding out his hand next.
"Ellie," she said. "Elora Trenton."
His gaze sparked with recognition. "Any relation to the Trentons in Olathe? Brad and Glenna?"
" Sorry. Cassie's my only family here in Kansas.
I'm originally from Tennessee, and any Trenton I was related to died years ago."
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Chuck stared at her with an almost comical look of horror.
"I'm sorry," he said instantly. "I didn't mean to—"
Ellie smiled. "It's fine," she said, waving aside his apology.
"There's no reason to apologize."