Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

in a while, she'd turn back to Ellie and say something like,

"Some of Grampa Linc's family from Texas are going to be there too. I can't wait to meet them."

She wasn't the only person excited about the day though.

Boston had called at least ten times, asking about Cassie's allergies and taste preferences and confirming times. He was so worried about making the day perfect for his daughter, Ellie slipped even further under his spell.

It was twenty till eleven when he pulled into the drive.

Cassie was in the bathroom when he knocked on the door.

She'd been holding it for nearly half an hour when Ellie finally ordered her to go relieve herself.

"But what if he comes while I'm gone?"

"Honey, I seriously don't think he's going to desert you if you're not waiting by the door when he arrives."

So, Cassie streaked from the room and not thirty seconds later, there came a knock on the door. Ellie laughed.

"A watched pot never boils," she murmured to herself as she went to admit Boston inside. She was still grinning as she pulled the door open.

He looked wonderful. In pressed gray slacks and a worn polo shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows, he defined sleek and sophisticated. Ellie pulled to a stop, freshly amazed that she'd dated this man once upon a time. And she hadn't just dated him, she'd actually created a child with him.

It was almost too much to believe.

"Hi," he said, his gaze warming as it slid down her body.

Then he cleared his throat and glanced over her shoulder into the room. "Is Cass ready?"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"She just went to the bathroom," Ellie informed him and stepped aside to let him in. "I don't know how long she'd been holding it, afraid you'd show up as soon as she left the living room."

Amused by the same irony that had struck her, Boston chuckled. "Want me to go back outside and knock again in a couple minutes?"

But the bathroom door was already slamming open with Cassie charging down the hall, yelling, "Is he here?"

She appeared in the doorway and slid to a halt when she saw him. "Dad!"

Ellie's heart slammed against her chest as she watched the equal expressions of joy pass over both Boston and Cassie's faces as father and daughter came together. Boston swept Cassie up into his arms and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

"Hey there, short stuff," he said, lovingly sweeping a hand over Cassie's long hair. "You ready for some of Aunt Madison's pumpkin pie?"

"There'll be pumpkin pie?" Cassie murmured in awe.

"There'll be a little of everything," Boston answered as he set her back on her feet. "Actually, make that a lot of everything."

"Well, then let's go," the girl ordered and went charging for the door. She left it hanging open wide as she dashed down the front steps.

Boston grinned over at Ellie, his face a beaming glow of happiness. The power of it caught Ellie right in the chest, and she found herself smiling back at him.