Ellie gritted her teeth and only had to glance at his face to see just how true his words were. He would do anything for Cassie, which made her jealous. There'd never been a point he would've done anything for her.
Instantly upset because he'd never loved her how she'd always wanted him to and even more pissed because he'd caused her to experience such a petty feeling as jealousy, she had this irrational urge to slap at him until he bled.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Unaware of just how close he came to bodily harm, Boston blew out a breath and spiked his hands through his hair.
"Don't fight me on this, Ellie," he said, restraining his temper and once again talking in a hushed voice. "You don't want to take it to court."
Her face drained of color. "Once a month," she repeated firmly.
He was silent, studying the way her hands shook. She couldn't hide her bubbling, erratic emotions at all, and she hated that.
"Every week or we take it to a judge," he reiterated.
Trapped between him and the counter and needing more space, Ellie jerked by, turning her back to him as she moved.
But the space was so narrow, she grazed him, making him suck in a breath.
He leapt backward as if she'd just struck him with lightning. She frowned and was about to ask him what his problem was when she remembered the bulge. Lips parting, she lifted her face.
Boston ground his teeth and spun away from her. Shoving his hands through his hair yet again, he groaned to himself, "I need to get out of here."
Though she fully agreed, Ellie couldn't help but feel a spurt of satisfaction at the overwhelming effect she obviously had on him. It was nice to know she had a little power there, when she didn't anywhere else. It was even nicer to know she wasn't the only one here affected by the other's presence.
"Will you please just sign the agreement so I can leave already?" he asked from between gritted teeth.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Ellie glanced at the legal form she'd tossed onto the counter. Every weekend really wasn't the worst thing he could've demanded. But, still. Every weekend? The very thought of being away from Cassie that much made her skin clammy and moist.
"No," she said, unable to meet his eyes.
Though she didn't dare look his way, she could feel him glare. He was so quiet she could only guess what kind of dirty gesture he was making. But in a surprisingly calm voice, he said, "If I asked for more, and we took this to court, I'd get it.
This isn't an unreasonable offer, Ellie. It's not like I'm trying to take your daughter away from you for nine years or anything."
She lifted her face. He stared at her intently for a moment before he said, "This isn't over." Then he turned and started from the kitchen only to jerk to a stop at the doorway.
As he slowly came back around, the strangest sensation dropped heavily into the base of her stomach. The way he looked at her, thoughtfully yet a bit savagely, like a lion right before pouncing on its prey, made her skitter a step back, her butt ramming into a knob on one of her kitchen drawers.
"What?" she said.
He gave a single, brief shake of his head. "I just realized I was running away because I was afraid of my attraction to you."
She swallowed, only to realize her throat had gone dry.
As he advanced a slow, meaningful step forward, she reached back to clutch the corner of the countertop for support. "So?" Her voice was unsteady and her eyes huge.