"What?" Boston demanded. "What's wrong with it?"

"It's just that weekends are the only chance I really get to spend time with her," Ellie argued even though she knew that was a mistake as soon as the words left her mouth. Showing any kind of weakness to Boston was bad.

"Well, that's a whole hell of a lot more than I've ever gotten to spend with her, now isn't it?"

"But...she only met you yesterday," Ellie reasoned. "She doesn't know you well enough to—"

"And just whose fault is that?" he shot back. "If you hadn't lied to me, I wouldn't be some stranger who—"

"Oh, you wanted to go, Boston. Otherwise, you would've stuck around long enough to know there was a baby. You—"

"I left because you ordered me to go!" he roared. "Do you think I wanted—"

"I know exactly what you wanted," she cried out loudly in order to be heard over his yelling. "And it had nothing to do with me. Now get out and leave us alone."

Before she realized what was happening, Cassidy came charging into the living room. Ellie jerked in surprise. "Cass—"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Wet hair swinging behind her and her long nightshirt hanging down past her knees, Cassidy bulldozed her way toward Ellie.

"Leave him alone!" she screamed, flying forward. She pushed Ellie in the stomach with all the strength she had, making Ellie lose her grip on the door, and causing Boston to spill inside.

Surprised, Ellie leapt back and blinked rapidly. If Cassidy had pulled out a gun and shot her, she couldn't have felt more hurt and betrayed. Horrified because tears immediately filled her throat, she could only stand there and gape as her child laid into her.

"This is all your fault," Cassie snarled, her eyes full of lethal accusation, making Ellie feel exposed and ripped open as her daughter pushed on her stomach again. "If you'd just told him about me all along..."

Cassidy would've gone on and on, but surprisingly Boston was the one to stop her.

"Hey, hey," he said softly and crouched next to the nine-year-old, taking her face in his hands. "Let's not get mad, okay? Why don't I tuck you in? I want to tuck you into bed again. Okay?"

Cassidy blinked at him. The tension in her face slowly eased, and she finally nodded. "Okay."

Boston gave a slow smile. "Good," he answered and straightened, reaching for her hand. He cast an unreadable look Ellie's way before walking their daughter down the hall.

Unable to stay in the living room where his cologne still lingered, Ellie paced to the kitchen and wilted into a chair.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

She shook so hard, her fingers jerked uncontrollably as she covered her mouth.

Cassidy was the only person she had left. That little girl was her life, her only family, her very soul. Ellie would be nothing if Cassie left her. And to have Cassie so mad at her...someone might as well stab her in the stomach and drag the knife across her abdomen.

It felt like she'd just sat in the chair when Boston strode back down the hall. Ellie popped to her feet. He paused when he saw her.

"Thanks a lot," she growled.

He frowned, clearly confused. "What?" he asked. His expression added, What'd I do?

"That's the second time today you've played the good guy, and I had to star as the wicked witch."