But that was a stupid pipe dream; this was reality. And in reality, he'd taken her daughter away without telling her. The urge to kill him was so strong, she stayed in her car with both her trembling hands covering her mouth until the anger cooled a few degrees.
She blew out a breath, smoothed out the wrinkles on her blouse and slowly exited the automobile, reminding herself Cassie was okay. Boston hadn't stolen her. Everything was fine...for now.
As soon as she opened the door to the restaurant, she could hear her neighbor yelling.
" You lousy son of a bitch."
Obviously, Nora'd had no problem finding him in the crowded joint. Picking up her pace, Ellie hurried forward as her friend ranted on.
"How could you trick me and convince me to send my son out with a complete stranger? You made me think you'd 113
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
cleared this whole outing with Ellie first. I thought it was okay. I thought it was planned. But no, you just stole two children away from their homes. How were we supposed to know when you were bringing them back? You never said when you were—"
"Yes, I did," Boston quickly cut in.
He stood in front of Nora with his arms lifted as if to restore peace to the kingdom. Surrounded by a table full of more strangers who looked like they were probably his family, he'd obviously been watching Cassie and Keller and a few other children playing a video game not far away until he'd spotted Nora barreling toward him.
"I told you I'd have them back by eight thirty," he said, looking frankly panicked by the enraged female glaring at him.
"The hell you did," Nora growled.
"But..." Looking truly puzzled, Boston scratched his head.
"You said Keller's bedtime was eight thirty. I assumed—"
"Well, that's what we both get for assuming," Nora retorted. "Because I never, never, would've let you walk away with Keller, or Cassie either for that matter, if I'd known you hadn't talked to Ellie about this. I can't believe the nerve..."
As she continued to rail, Ellie started toward her daughter.
"Cass," she called. Once she got the girl's attention, she snapped her fingers and pointed to the floor in front of her.
"We're leaving...now."
Just as Cassie froze with her face showing that all-too-familiar expression of a tantrum about to start, Boston stepped away from the still-bickering Nora.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"Whoa," he said, grabbing Ellie's arm. Behind him, his alarmed-looking family had all come to their feet and moved supportively closer.
Ellie pulled her arm from his grasp and glared. "What made you think you could just take off with my daughter without even asking me?"
Boston opened his mouth, but no words came out... He honestly looked too stunned to speak.
"I came home from work tonight and I had no idea where she was. And even after Nora told me you had her and where you'd taken her, I had no idea how long you were going to be gone. Or if you were ever going to bring her back."
Boston's jaw tightened, making his words strained. "I didn't realize I had to run it by you every time I wanted to see my own child."
Ellie let out a disgusted breath. "Yes!" she yelled. "You do."