"Ellie," he whispered. "Stop scaring the shit out of me.
What's going on? Why are you doing this?"
She sniffed in the rest of the tears and wiped at her face.
"I don't know what to do," she admitted, hauling in a deep, shuddering breath. Finally, she turned and was satisfied to see he was beginning to appear unnerved. "I...it...It seemed like the decent thing to let you know," she said, and her voice broke. "So, I've done my job. Now let me out." She turned and wrapped her hand around the doorknob, but he only leaned his full weight against the door, moving closer to her in the process.
She closed her eyes, trying to block the feel of his warm chest against her back.
"I need proof," he said after a moment. "You're going to have to take a test."
Ellie laughed, a bitter sound. "I've already taken five. They were all positive."
That answer seemed to get through to him more than anything. He shuddered. Now that he knew she'd been just as disbelieving as he was, he had to know she was telling the truth.
"Well, you're taking another," he rasped.
Unfazed, Ellie merely shrugged. "Fine. Whatever."
"Right now."
Ellie looked up at him. "I said okay."
An hour later, he dropped onto his bed and cradled his head in his hands. Ellie stood frigidly by the door, torn 98
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by Linda Kage
between escape and going to him to share their mutual fear.
She'd just decided to move toward him when he lifted his face.
"Did you do it on purpose?"
She fell to a stop and tilted her head. "Do what?"
"Don't act innocent, Ellie," he growled. "Did you get pregnant on purpose?"
Her lips parted, emitting a disbelieving puff of air. "Why would I purposely get pregnant?"
"Oh, get real," he snarled. "You come from a rundown trailer park in Nowhere, Tennessee." While he came from money and security, neither of them had to add. "You probably thought you'd struck it big time when I fell into your lap."
For a full ten seconds, Ellie was too stunned to speak. She couldn't believe his crudity, couldn't believe he would think of her this way.
First of all, she
didn't need his money. She'd done without, and she could continue to do without. Secondly, she didn't see how she could have even dreamed up a baby trap to keep him in the relationship when she'd had no idea the relationship had been about to crumble. And thirdly, how could he think she'd do something so underhanded as to trick him? Didn't he know her at all after eight months?
There was no way she'd bring an innocent child into the mix if she thought there was any kind of trouble in paradise.
What followed was the biggest, longest, loudest argument she'd ever had with anyone. Names were called, accusations were made, feelings were hurt. Ellie tried to keep up, but 99
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by Linda Kage
Boston managed to do most of the destruction. And when the yelling was over and the smoke cleared, Ellie was still pregnant, and Boston blamed her.