As soon as she looked up, she realized it was a mistake.

The utter panic in his eyes had her melting. If he did anything, said one thing to get her back, she'd crawl into his arms and forget what a snake he was. And wouldn't that make her an utter fool.

"I..." he started and paused to lick his dried lips.

Ellie swallowed, waiting. Her crushed heart obviously didn't know it was broken, because it beat hard and fast in her chest, anxious to hear his words to bring them back together.

He wanted to say them. She could see it in his eyes. He didn't want her to go.

But he surprised them both when he disengaged his fingers and stepped back. "Goodbye then."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Three weeks later, she was packing her dorm bathroom and preparing to head home for summer break when she came across her supply of tampons and realized she hadn't had her period in a long time...too long. Absolutely freaking out over the thought she might be pregnant, she'd raced to the drugstore and bought a home pregnancy test. When it came up positive, she rushed back out and bought another.

Three tests later, she finally admitted defeat. Sitting on her small bed, she wept.

It took two days to gather the courage to tell Boston. She remembered how chilly the breeze had been on her slow walk across campus to his apartment building. Her cheeks had been windburned; she had her jacket wrapped snuggly around her with her fisted hands buried deep in her pockets.

There were deep-purplish hollows under her eyes from lack of sleep when she knocked on his door.

Boston didn't look much better when he pulled it open. His hair was a mess, his clothes were rumpled, and his eyes were bloodshot. But the expression in his gaze when he caught sight of her had her hopes lifting. His face lit like he'd actually missed her as much as she'd missed him.

Had he felt more for her than he'd claimed?

But with his next breath, he seemed to pull taut, like he'd just reminded himself they were no longer together. His eyes frosted over and his lips tightened. "Ellie," he said in an icy tone.

She looked down but just as quickly lifted her head, demanding herself to be strong. "May I come in?"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

She thought he might tell her no; then he shrugged as if it made no difference and stepped aside, letting the door swing open. His eyes were hard on her as she passed. Ellie went straight to his bed and sat on the edge before lifting her face.

Boston closed the door and leaned back against it, staring at her coldly. He made no move to sit.

Figuring if he wouldn't sit, then she couldn't either, Ellie scrambled back to her feet. For a moment, she merely stood there, wondering how she was going to do this. How was she going to tell him? It all felt too surreal.

When she'd first seen him in Mack's Burger House, she'd thought of him as something unattainable, someone she could never get close to. Then as time passed, and he talked her into that first date, it felt like she was living in a dream.

She was with Boston Kincaid. She couldn't believe it. But now it was over and she still thought of their time together as a dream.

The child growing inside her was real, though. She looked at the man with whom she'd shared so many intimacies. He merely glared back. Wincing, she knew, deep down, he wouldn't take the news well.

She hated the fact he blocked the door. She wanted an escape route handy.

"Well?" he demanded.

Ellie took a deep breath, but once she met his gaze, she had to drop her head.

"I'm pregnant," she said more to her feet than she did to him.