Relishing the moment of quiet, Boston slid his hands into his pockets before he murmured, "She's mine."
And yes, here it came. The flood of words that poured forth about knocked him off his feet. Everyone spoke at once, yet he couldn't hear anything a single person said.
Glowering at his brother standing beside him, Boston hissed, "Couldn't have kept your big trap shut for one more day, could you?"
Monty opened his mouth to defend himself, but Olivia jumped in. "He didn't spread the news. I did."
Whirling toward her, Boston gaped at his cousin's wife. He couldn't rail at her the way he could his brother, but he did send her an irritated scowl.
"And thank God she did," his mother, Diane Kincaid, cut in.
"Who knows when your father and I would've learned we have another grandchild." She paused as if suddenly realizing her own words. Then, setting a hand on her head, she looked like she was going to pass out as she rasped, "Oh my God.
That makes seven. I have seven grandchildren."
Her husband, Lincoln, caught her arm to keep her steady.
As two of her daughters reached out to help her as well, Boston clenched his teeth to keep from apologizing.
"I was going to tell you," he said. "Just as soon as I found out one way or another."
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"Oh, like you told us when this woman got pregnant ten years ago?" Diane asked, straightening from her near swoon.
"Montgomery said you thought she'd had a miscarriage, so you obviously knew you'd gotten her pregnant at one point."
Boston seared an arch look Montgomery's way.
"Hey," Montgomery said, lifting his hands defensively.
"They already knew most of it by then. I just filled in the details."
"What's the girl like?" his sister, Madison, asked.
"Where exactly do they live?" Cameron butted in. "What part of Lawrence?"
"How could you not tell us you'd impregnated someone, Boston?" his mother wailed. "We never met this girl...Ellie whoever. I don't even remember you mentioning her. And why in the world did you not stick around long enough to realize she hadn't had any kind of miscarriage? I don't understand how you could have a child and not even—"
"Look, Mom," Boston cut in wearily, setting a hand on his aching temple. "Can I get a rain check on the lecture tonight?
I just found out I have a daughter, for God's sake. I need..."
Feeling a little woozy himself, his knees buckled slightly.
He caught himself before going down, but a handful of family surged forward anyway, catching him.
"Let's get him inside," his father said, even as his brothers-in-law started to haul him toward the front door.
Shrugging them off, Boston mumbled, "I'm fine." No one seemed to listen until he shouted, "Hey! I can walk by myself."
Delinquent Daddy