So it was set.

He was whipped.

Boston could already tell he was going to be one of those soft fathers who spoiled their little princess rotten. And he was going to love every second of it.

After tucking her under the sheets and kissing her forehead, he slipped out of Cassie's darkened room and saw a shadow of movement down the hall, coming from the kitchen.


His mouth went dry, but he started that way, wondering what he was going to say to her. Instinctively, he wanted to thank her. He wanted to show her his appreciation for her help in easing his way into Cassie's life tonight. He was glad she'd given him some time alone with their child. But then he figured she damn well better have...since it was her fault he didn't know Cassie in the first place.

He also wanted to yell at her, cuss her out for keeping him from that adorable, smart, remarkable little girl. He had a daughter, and he'd been absent from nine years of her life...because of Ellie. He wanted to hate her as much as he 76

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

wanted to share this magical moment with her. He had this strange urge to go into the kitchen, sit down and tell her about all these amazing feelings surging through him.

Boston didn't give into any of his urges, however. Instead, he stopped in the opening of the kitchen and paused.

She sat at the table where it looked like she was paying bills. Though he was curious just how well—or not so well—

she was doing financially, he stayed rooted in the doorway.

Ellie slipped off a pair of reading glasses that made her look sexily astute. The wary gaze she sent him, however, reminded him how they weren't friends and how he shouldn't be thinking of her cute button nose or large brown eyes.

He didn't want to be attracted. He was still mad at her.

Yet, unable to forget the physical relationship they'd once shared, he ached with hungry nostalgia.

"I'm heading out," he said.

She nodded and rested her elbows on the tabletop.

He couldn't seem to move and just stood there, staring at her for another moment.

"Some time," he started, "we're going to have to get together and talk about custody."

Ellie's face drained of color. But she didn't say anything.

She merely turned back to her work, ignoring him.

Realizing he'd outstayed his welcome—not that there'd been one from her anyway—he tipped his head in farewell and backed away from the room.

Well...he was a father now. He had a little girl who was absolutely perfect. He hadn't realized he'd been nervous over 77

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by Linda Kage

what she'd be like until the relief over having a smart, cute, well-behaved daughter swamped him.

Ellie had done an excellent job raising her.


Boston lifted a hand and pressed his palm to the side of his aching head. God, he didn't want to think about her too.