Ellie shook her head and wrapped her arms around her waist as if she were cold. "I just...it seemed like a good way to let you go with a clear conscience."

Boston stared thoughtfully a moment. Then he nodded as if he understood. But a second later, he exploded.

"That's the biggest pile of horse shit I think I've ever heard. Let me go? You had no right. If I hadn't wanted to stick around, I would've left at the first of it. Did you think I wouldn't want to know my own child? Did you think... Oh God."

He turned away, and she knew he was once again trying to control the onslaught of emotions rushing through him.

Running his hands through his hair, he glanced her way.

"Damn it. Damn it. I'm so mad at you, I can't even..."

He shook his head and turned away again, setting his hands on his hips.

"I have a daughter," he said to no one in particular as if he wanted to test the sound of that reality on his lips. "I've had a daughter for nine years and ten months, and I wouldn't know her if I ran into her on the street. I don't know the sound of her voice. I don't know what she looked like when she took her first step or if she..." His voice broke and he glanced over his shoulder to glare at Ellie. "How could you take that away from me?"

Her whispered answer was, "You said you didn't want her."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"You know I didn't mean it like that," he spat out, his voice growing again. "We were both screaming things we didn't mean back then."

"Kind of like how we are right now?"

"No. Right now, I mean everything I'm saying. I'm pissed as hell. You turned me into a...a delinquent father."

She wrinkled her nose. "Delinquent?"

"Neglectful," he restated, sending her a dry look. "Falling down on one's duty. It's a violation of the law to neglect your own child. You've caused me to break the law... for years."

"Oh, brother." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you're definitely a lawyer now, aren't you?"

"Damn it, Ellie," he exploded.

"Boston," she cut in before he could go off on one of his self-righteous tangents. "I made a decision I thought was the best for all three of us—"

"Well, it wasn't the right one," he roared. "You never should've goddamn lied to me. You never should've..."

The words died on his tongue, and he froze. His face drained of color as his eyes drilled into a spot behind her.

Already knowing what, or rather who, she was going to find, Ellie whirled and gasped, bringing her hand to her heart.

" Cassie!" she wheezed in a high voice.

The raven-haired child rooted in the kitchen entrance stared at Boston with wide, frightened blue eyes before swiveling her gaze back to Ellie. She was a beautiful girl, tall for her age, the second tallest in her class. Slim with tanned, golden skin and the perfect face, she'd inherited Ellie's nose, 47

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

chin, and mouth and Boston's intelligent blue eyes and inky black hair.

"Mom?" she said in a wavering tone as she dropped the gym bag hanging off her shoulder and skittered the last few feet to Ellie's side, once again glancing cautiously toward Boston. "What's going on?" she asked, seeking comfort by snagging Ellie's hand.

Ellie opened her mouth and turned to Boston as if looking for assistance. But her heart dropped into her knees when she took in the vanquished features on his face. He looked completely lost and exposed, a vulnerable train wreck.