Boston moved his face to bury his nose in her hair. With his free hand, he tugged a damp piece of hair off her sweat-soaked cheek.
"This is just killing you, isn't it?"
"Yes," she ground out and reached down to touch his hard length. But he evaded her fingers.
"Okay, okay," he relented with a smile. "Calm down, woman."
Without further ado, he pushed inside her. Both were equally surprised by the ease in which he entered; Boston gritted his teeth like he was fighting the impulsive twitch of his hips and slam home. Having no mercy, Ellie arched against him, and he slid all the way to her core. He gasped and snagged her hips to still her.
"El—oh, God. Wait, wait. You're so tight. Am I hurting you?"
Ellie lifted her face and caught his face in her hands, pulling his head down until they were pressing their foreheads together. "If you stop now, I'll kill you," she hissed, slinging her legs around his waist and moving against him.
He groaned and kissed her. "I love you so much."
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"I love you too," she said.
"'Bout time you said it," he panted, straining for more. To accommodate him, Ellie slid her butt closer to the edge of the desk, her thighs spreading further apart as she did. The slight change in position had him pumping with a renewed fury.
Words failed them both; they could only cling and absorb the shock of sensations whiplashing through them.
"I'm making you...repeat...those...words again...when this is...over," Boston managed to say between his labored breathing.
Ellie threw back her head and laughed. "With pleasure,"
she said and came, tightening her entrance around him and throwing out her arms wide while keeping her neck arched.
It reminded Boston so much of the time he'd taken her in the rain that he followed only a microsecond behind her.
Burying his face in her shoulder, he grabbed her tight and shouted out his release.
"So, where does this leave us?" Boston murmured.
Ellie stirred, lifting her heavy eyelids drowsily. "Hmm?"
Sprawled on top of the vacant secretary's desk and under two hundred pounds of naked male flesh, she raised her head and gazed about the office. Some kind of memo was stuck to her arm. As she reached to tug it off, Boston combed his fingers through her hair to extract a pen.
"Are we together now?" he asked, tossing the pen aside and returning his fingers to her hair.
Wanting to evade the subject, Ellie focused on closing the still-open planner and moving it away fr
om their lounging 324
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by Linda Kage
bodies. "Well, I'd say so. I can't see how we could get any more together than this?"
He leaned forward to sniff her locks. "You know what I mean, Ellie."
Her heart melted. "I'm sorry," she whispered and turned to kiss his shoulder. He tasted of musky man and dried sweat.