"Come on." He laughed incredulously at the idea of giving his partner Ted's business. "You know I can't do that."
"If I were really that important of an employee to you,"
Ellie countered softly, "you already would have."
And with that, she picked up her purse and turned toward the exit.
"Ellie!" he said in alarm. "Where're you going?"
"Home," she said without turning around. "You fired me, remember?"
"But...but..." He scurried to his feet and hurried after her.
"But I'm giving you two weeks. Ellie!" he nearly screamed after her departing back. "I need you here until I can get a replacement..."
She didn't hear any more of his sniveling bellyaching.
She'd already walked out and shut the door between them.
Nora found her sitting on her back porch, staring across to the yard at Keller and Cassie's empty tree house.
"You heard?" she asked without glancing over as Nora fell with a groan into the chair next to her.
"Winston's already called me five times, begging me to talk you into coming back," Nora said, gazing lazily at the empty tree house as well.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
It wasn't even noon yet, and both their children were in school. Ellie wasn't used to being home on a Monday morning. It felt strange, unnatural. But at Nora's words, she glanced over with interest.
"Permanently?" she asked.
Her friend snorted and sent her a get-real look. "Just for the rest of your two weeks or until he can find a replacement."
Ellie actually laughed. Nora's claim sounded so much like Winston, it was actually funny.
"Why am I not surprised?" She reached up to wipe at her face, hoping to attain some sense of decency. She had stopped crying, but no doubt her face was still red and puffy.
From the sympathetic look Nora sent her, she could only guess how awful she appeared.
"I told him to go screw himself if that makes you feel any better," Nora offered.
Ellie laughed again. "Thanks," she said, only for a fresh wave of tears to grip her. "Oh God, Nora, what am I going to do? I'm barely making the bills as it is. All my credit cards are maxed out, and I have nothing in savings. I can't lose my job."
"Well, I'd say it's time to call in the secret weapon," Nora said, propping her feet up and laying a hand over her brow to wince at the bright sunlight.
"And what would that be?" Ellie said, staring at the woman next to her. By all appearances, Nora looked casual and relaxed, like she was enjoying a day at the beach.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"Seems to me that your baby's daddy has plenty of money to spare."