Suddenly, Cameron was so busy glaring at Boston and calling him a dirty name, he forgot to protect his food. Olivia extracted his pile of yams in one swoop.
As he tried to sweet talk her into giving them back, assuring her he'd love her dish, Boston winked at Ellie and they shared a grin.
Across from them, Cheyenne lifted her eyebrows. "You know, you two don't act like any exes I've ever seen. Are you getting back together or what?"
Everyone at the table—even the arguing Cameron and Olivia—fell quiet and glanced questioningly toward Ellie. Next 232
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
to her, Boston coughed into his fist. Then he pounded on his chest before reaching for his glass to take a long drink.
Ellie wasn't sure how to respond.
Helena, however rolled her eyes as she patted Ellie's hand.
"Don't pay my baby sister any mind. She thinks everyone is destined to end up with their first love. She met her husband when she was sixteen. They married four years later and are still disgustingly sweet with each other."
"We are not," Cheyenne grumbled, sending an insulted glare her sister's way. "I'm sitting clear across the room from him right now, aren't I?"
"Oooh," Helena said, shaking her voice and rolling her eyes to show off her sarcasm as she added, "I'm so impressed."
Cheyenne turned away from her and focused on Ellie. "I'm just saying...wouldn't it be something if you two got back together?"
Ellie blinked. It was just too dangerous to think about Boston that way. He still had a little too much pull on her heartstrings to let herself think such things.
"Sorry, Cheyenne," Boston said, sounding sympathetic. "I don't think that's going to happen."
For a moment, no one spoke. Both Helena and Cheyenne and even Cameron and Olivia sent a worried look Ellie's way as if afraid Boston had just insulted her. But she merely nodded, adamantly backing his declaration.
"So, curious minds want to know," Helena asked as she bit into a mouthful of stuffing. "Why'd you two ever break up in the first place?"
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Boston and Ellie whipped their gazes her way, nailing her with similar expressions of horror.
Then, at the same moment Boston started to say, "That's none of your—" Ellie blurted out, "He cheated on me."
With her words still echoing through the air, every person at the table stopped eating and gaped directly at Boston.
Beside her, Boston tensed and slid an inch lower in his chair.
"Oh my God, Boston," Helena hissed. "You didn't."
"How could you?" Cheyenne whispered, staring at him like he was the very devil, all the while lifting her hands to cover her mouth.
Cringing because she hadn't meant to oust him, Ellie glanced anxiously his way. Boston's face had drained of color, and he looked guiltier than she'd ever seen him look before.
It stung that he was more ashamed for his family to find out the truth than he'd been when she'd discovered his indiscretion.
"Holy hell, Bos," Cameron breathed. "I can't believe it."
"You didn't really cheat on her, did you?" Olivia whispered, her blue eyes wide and hopeful.