"I just hope she doesn't hate me now," he murmured as he slowly pulled his palm from hers.

It took Ellie a

moment before she figured out to whom he was referring. Then it struck her. Cassie.

"Oh," she said a little breathlessly. "No. Cassie will be okay. Trust me."

He still looked uncertain. "I wish I could mend fences with her before I leave," he murmured. But then he hitched a brave smile Ellie's way and added, "I'll see you Saturday."

Ellie opened her mouth and almost made a huge mistake.

It was on the tip of her tongue to invite him to stay and find out for himself just how okay Cassie was going to be. But that would be the error of all errors. No, she didn't want to be 178

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Boston Kincaid's enemy, but befriending him wasn't smart either.

"I'll see you Saturday," she returned, feeling lame.

And for the first time in over ten years, they separated in peace. Ellie sank against the picnic table and cradled her head in her hands, wondering if being on good terms with him might be more dangerous than keeping him as an enemy.

When the back door cracked open, she jumped and surged to her feet, ready to throw herself at him. But thank God, it was Cassie coming out to join her and not him returning.

"Cass," she said.

"Mommy," the girl spoke in a trembling voice. "I...I'm real sorry for the things I said to you. I..."

"Come here," Ellie said.

Her daughter dashed forward, throwing her arms open.

Ellie pulled the child into her lap, and they hugged.

"It's okay," Ellie murmured, kissing her hair. "I love you.

No matter what, I'll always love you."

As the girl settled against her and they began to talk out their problems, Ellie felt a spurt of regret that Boston hadn't been able to get the same make-up session she was having.

He was missing out on one of the greatest gifts a parent could have. And for the first time in a good long while, she wished she hadn't kept him from his little girl.

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Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Chapter Eleven

That Friday night, a thunderstorm rolled over Lawrence. It was bad enough Ellie and Cassie hurried to the Young's house to stay in their basement for the worst of the squall. Keller and Cassie sat cross-legged on the floor playing Go Fish as the adults hovered by the high basement windows and watched strong winds and rain roll in.

In the midst of the windiest weather, a loud crack of thunder hit so close, the windows shook and the air was filled with an electric charge that made the hairs on Ellie's arm stand on end. The lights went out and a huge thud was heard, followed by a crashing sound outside.

Ellie and Nora let out small startled yelps as the two children screamed and leapt toward each other, groping in the dark until they found one another. Mendel, who was actually home for the evening, cursed until he found a flashlight and flipped it on.