He swallowed. "I was tempted to tell her yes."

Ellie looked like she was going to start up crying again.

Boston was grateful she managed to keep the tears at bay. It was hard enough as it was to sit across from her and not 174

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move toward her. Her face was already blotchy from bawling, and he was once again filled with the urge to hold her.

"I love my daughter," she said in a hoarse voice, "But tonight, I couldn't have fought her...not you and her both."

Boston swallowed, not sure how to respond.

"I thank you," Ellie whispered. "For whatever reason you decided to convince her to stay with me, I thank you. From the bottom of my heart."

He lifted his gaze. "A little girl needs her mother," he said.

"And you...you're a good mother, El. I only have to look at her to know that. She's the most amazing child I've ever met.

She's perfect. You've done an excellent job raising her."

Ellie's face contorted even more, but she still didn't cry.

"Thank you."

"No matter how much I want to be with her," he added with great reluctance. "You were right when you said she doesn't need me. She'd be fine without me." Then he shook his head. "She wouldn't be fine without you."

When she didn't respond, Boston worried he'd revealed too much. But he also realized he couldn't have Cassie without Ellie's help and support.

"You've really changed since college, haven't you?" she murmured.

He gave a soft, surprised laugh. "God, I hope so."

Ellie pulled her feet up on the seat so she could hug her knees. "You know I can't live with losing her every weekend, don't you?"

Boston sobered and let out a long sigh. So, they were back to square one, were they?


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"What about every other weekend?"

Cradling her head in her hands, she closed her eyes.

"I...I'm sorry, Boston. I know you're trying to work with me, but I...I can't. I just can't do it. It's like we're talking about taking my oxygen away."

Boston closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Will you be honest with me if I ask you a question?"

After a moment, she gave a hesitant nod.

"Do you..." The asking was tough for him, and he had to pause before he continued. "Do you think she'd be better off if I did leave and never came back? I mean, I'm not going to mess her up by suddenly becoming involved in her life, am I?"