Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Chapter Ten

Ellie was cleaning, trying to work off her bad mood, when the doorbell rang. Still upset with Cassidy, who'd barricaded herself in her room hours ago, Ellie had gone on a cleaning rampage and was currently replacing all the newly washed towels she'd never used back on the top shelf of her hall closet.

She didn't want to take Cassie's threats to heart. But if Boston heard one word of their daughter's new wish to live with him, she'd probably lose the girl for good. She had to think of a way to calm the nine-year-old before she spoke to her lawyer of a father...before she went off the handle and did something to get herself taken away from Ellie for good.

Frowning as the gong echoed through the house, Ellie dusted her hands off on her hips and started toward the entrance. She'd just hit the living room when Cassie barreled out of her room.

"No!" Ellie said sternly. "Back into your room, missy."


"Back," Ellie repeated.

Sending her mother a look from hell, the nine-year-old stormed back into her room and slammed the door. Ellie sighed. Though her nerves were about to snap in half, Ellie forced herself to remain calm. Cassie was just in a mood.

Give her a day or two and her temper would cool. Then Ellie would go into Cassie's room, sit on her bed, an

d they'd have 166

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

their mother-daughter talk, working everything out. They always worked things out. They were a pair, a team.

Nothing could keep them apart for long.

Bolstered by that thought, Ellie opened the door and froze.

Boston lifted his face, and their gazes held fast.

"Oh, God. What're you doing here?" she blurted out, instantly sick to her stomach.

No, no, no. He couldn't come here tonight. Not with Cassie in the mood she was in. Okay, Ellie trusted her daughter to want to stay once she was calmer and more rational. But she had no idea what Cassie would do if she saw her father now.

Boston quietly studied her a moment before answering.

"Cassidy called me."

Ellie's face drained of color. Clearing her throat, she reached for the doorframe to keep from passing out flat on her face. "She...what?"

He nodded. "She asked if she could come live with me."

Ellie's stomach contorted with pain. No. He couldn't take her baby girl. He just couldn't. Folding her arms over her chest, she cocked her brows and said, "So, you've come to pack her up and leave together, just like that, hmm?"

Boston sighed. "No. I came because... Damn it, Ellie. Will you let me in?" When Ellie didn't budge, he lifted a hand to signal peaceful intentions. "I only want to talk to her."

And convince her to leave me so she can go live with you, Ellie wanted to snarl. But she kept silent. No, she couldn't say anything to really tick him off, or he'd have Cassie out of here in seconds. Realizing she'd have an even bigger fight on her 167

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by Linda Kage

hands if she tried to keep the two of them apart right now, she reluctantly stepped aside.