by Linda Kage
He lasted two months.
They went out on their chaste dates at least twice a week—usually more—and he always, always kissed her goodnight. The best part: he was the one who usually pulled away and ended the kisses. He started them, and he finished them. And afterward, Ellie was putty in his hands...until the afternoon she pushed him past his limits.
Walking hand in hand—and Boston was proud of the fact that he'd just gotten her used to holding his hand—he escorted her up to her dorm room. He stayed behind her, dipping his head and kissing the back of her shoulder as she unlocked her door. After peering inside and discovering her roommate was gone, she invited him in.
He had her on her bed about two seconds after the door was shut and locked behind them. Twenty minutes later, he pulled the brakes and stopped the kissing. But he couldn't seem to pull away and leave. So, they just stayed there together, wrapped around each other on her small single-sized bed, thoughtfully listening to each other's settling heartbeats.
Boston closed his eyes as he ran his fingers up and down her arm and reveled in the softness of her cheek on his chest.
As much as his dick throbbed, primed for action, he thought he could fall asleep there like that—it felt so good to simply hold her.
From the silence, Ellie said, "Tell me something about you.
Something no one else knows."
"You tell me something about you," he countered, not wanting to talk about himself.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"I asked first," she pressed.
He grinned even as he sighed in disgust. The woman's stubbornness could frustrate him to no end, but it was one the things he liked best about her.
"I don't know," he started reluctantly. "I can't think of anything that at least one person doesn't know."
"Just tell me something...something that makes you unique."
"Oh, now wait a second. You want me to confess something embarrassing, don't you? Something like I wet my bed till I was thirteen."
"Did you?"
She laughed and pinched his chest. Boston growled and rolled over on top of her to pin her to the bed. Snagging her wrists, he pulled her hands above her head and loomed above her.
She merely grinned up at him, looking like there was nowhere else in the world she'd rather be. A split second later, he forgot about paybacks. Need filled him, and he barely murmured, "I'm going to have to put those busy little hands of yours to better use," before he set his mouth to hers.
He panted, body straining for more, by the time he pulled away. Unable to properly catch his breath, he rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes. It was getting harder and harder to stop every time.
"Tell me something about you," Ellie urged again on a whisper.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
She was still under him, with his body fully on top of her, his engorged fly pressed between her legs. He couldn't stop thinking that if they were naked, he'd be inside her.
"Tell me anything," she said.
"Ah..." He blew out a breath. Concentration was nearly impossible. "My dad was an astronaut," he said, thinking it was probably the only unique aspect of his life.