Winston had never been able to stand up to his brother's wife, so he frowned in defeat and turned beseechingly to Ellie.

"Well...just make sure this is the first thing you do once you return."

"Of course," Ellie answered and yelped in surprise as Nora grabbed her wrist and tugged her from the office.

In minutes, she found herself seated in the restaurant across the street with Nora, ordering a drink. Blinking herself to the present as she watched the waiter walk away, Ellie suddenly realized her friend had just ordered a cosmopolitan.

"I can't drink alcohol." She whirled toward Nora incredulously. "I have to go back to work after this."

"Oh, honey," Nora murmured and sighed as she reached across the table and patted Ellie's hand in a sympathetic gesture. "That was for me. I ordered you your usual Diet Coke."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"Oh." Ellie sat back in her booth seat and ran her fingers through her hair, wishing she could have the cosmo instead.

Nora made a tut-tutting sound. "Been a long morning?"

Ellie massaged her temples, pressing hard. A throbbing resistance pushed right back. "I don't know what to do, Nora."

"Well, first of all, you're going to bring me up to date. All I know is that Keller came home last night from your place, saying you kicked him out because Cassie's dad was there."

Ellie swallowed.

"And half an hour before you got home, that tall, dark and hot stranger showed up, lingering around your place, waiting around for you like some lovesick puppy dog." She shrugged.

"He told me he was a relative and hadn't seen you since before Cassie was born. Course I assumed he meant he was related to you, not your daughter. It never occurred to me he might be her father."

Ellie dropped her hands from her temples and gaped at her friend. "Wait. What? You talked to Boston?"

"Boston," Nora repeated, lifting her eyebrows in interest.

"Is that his name? Hmmm. I like it. Very original. Boston what?"

"What'd he say to you?"

"I just told you. He said he was a relative and hadn't seen you in a long time. Oh, and that you were expecting him but he made it to town earlier than he thought he would."

Ellie snorted. "I most certainly was not expecting him."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"He's really Cassidy's dad?" Nora asked in awe. When Ellie sent her a miserable nod, Nora's jaw dropped. "Wow. Where's he been all these years?"

"Kansas City, I guess."

"And what's he doing there when his daughter's here?"

Nora wanted to know.

Ellie averted her face and bit her lip. "I kind of told him I had a miscarriage."