She paused to glance his way. She hadn't realized saying it aloud would be so hard.
Oh, boy. What if she couldn't do it?
But as soon as she caught Boston's anxious gaze, she felt encouraged. Turning back to Cassie, she said, "Montgomery Kincaid is only your uncle. Boston..." she added, glancing at him again, "is your father."
Cassie's mouth fell open in awe, and she lifted her head to look up at Boston. " You're my dad?"
His face had drained of color, and it didn't look like he'd remembered to breathe in the last thirty seconds. But he held Cassie's gaze steady as he nodded.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Cassie slowly slipped to her feet, and Ellie let go of her hand as she watched her little girl cautiously approach the grown man who looked like he was going to hyperventilate any moment. Ellie could honestly say she'd never seen him look so scared.
"Really?" Cassie asked, looking him up and down as if she couldn't believe it.
For a split second, Ellie thought he was going to pass out.
But he seemed to collect himself enough to give another mute nod.
Cassie gasped in pleasure. "Can...can I hug you?"
Boston's jaw dropped. He glanced quickly at Ellie as if seeking permission. But before she could give any kind of response, he turned back to their daughter.
Eyes watering, he choked out, "I think I would like that."
He made a small sobbing sound as he fell on both knees, and Cassie leapt into his open arms.
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Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Chapter Five
She felt so small in his embrace. Her limbs were toothpick thin, but the girl had muscle, and she put her whole body into hugging him as tightly as she could. He closed his eyes and inhaled her sweet child scent. Her hair was still damp from the bath Ellie had told her to take. The wet locks soaked his collar and cheek. But he didn't care. He was hugging his daughter.
Pulling away so he could see her perfect, heart-shaped face, he wiped at the corner of his eye and sent her a watery smile.
"It's nice to finally meet you," he said, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was, how his hands shook, or how sweat gathered on his brow. When he straightened, her head fell back as she gaped up.
"You're tall." She took a step back to study him. Boston opened his arms to give her an unrestricted view, suddenly uncertain with his body, wondering if she'd find him lacking or—
"Are you rich?" she asked, taking in his tie and jacket.
Boston cringed. Why hadn't he changed out of his work clothes before coming? He'd left straight from EarthNet, wondering why he'd even bothered to go in at all. Sure, he had a pile of projects to finish, but he hadn't gotten any work done. Now he wished he'd changed into something more—
God, what did dads wear?
Delinquent Daddy