Lips parting in stunned disbelief, she could only watch as Boston shook his head like he was trying to deny what he'd just blurted out. His chest expanded as he sucked in a breath.

Then he licked dried lips and sent her a wary glance.

"This isn't why I'm here," he stated, sounding a little desperate, as if he was trying to convince himself of that fact 62

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more than he was trying to convince her. "I'm here because I have a daughter, and you kept her from me. And I want her to know who I am."

But Ellie couldn't process anything past If I'd known then that I'd never feel for a woman what I felt for you, you, you, you, you...

She'd never thought he actually cared for least not after it was all said and done, when her eyes had been opened to his stupid, immature, selfish ways...not after she no longer thought she was crazy in love with him. No. Then she'd been able to see how much she hadn't meant to him, how it'd only been about the sex for him.

Shaking her head in an effort to clear the racing thoughts, she swallowed and hoarsely answered, "I don't know if that's such a good idea." Then she gritted her teeth, mad at herself by being swayed by his sweet words. It was foolish to believe, even for one second, that he'd actually changed, that he wasn't still that self-centered, immature jerk.

He'd used pretty words to get into her pants back then too, just like he was doing now. But this time around, he wanted something more precious than her virginity; he wanted her daughter.

"And why wouldn't it be a good idea?" he asked, jerking her attention back to the present.

Ellie took a deep breath. "I'll tell you why," she murmured evenly. Because I don't want you to take her away from me.

"Because she's gone nine years without a father and has done perfectly fine. Letting you into her world so suddenly will only 63

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confuse and hurt her. She doesn't need you. She has a great life."

His jaw bunched and his eyes flared. She wondered briefly if he might actually attack her. Then he blew out a breath from between clenched teeth and growled, "Is that why she went behind your back to find me? Because she doesn't need me? Is that why she and her little friend scoured magazine after magazine until they found something that fit her daddy's description? Because she doesn't want me?" He shook his head slowly. "Try again, Ellie."

Ellie gave a shaky swallow; air wobbled through her lungs.

She couldn't remember feeling this scared since—God, this was probably the most frightened she'd ever been. She hadn't even been this frightened when she'd been eight and both her parents had died, leaving her with a great aunt she'd never met before, or when she'd been nineteen and the doctor had placed a new baby in her arms for her to raise alone.

"You can't have her," she said softly and bit back the wince. But damn it, why had she just revealed her deepest fear to him?

He didn't answer her immediately. He merely studied her as if trying to find more secrets she hid. Finally, he said,

"Right now, all I want to do is meet her. I want her to know who I am."

"Right now?" she repeated, latching onto that term. "What about later, then?"

His jaw went tight. "You don't want this to get ugly, Ellie. I am a good lawyer."


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She paled. "Don't threaten me, Boston. This is my child you're talking about. I raised her and fed her. I rocked her to sleep every night and worried about her every day. I was the one to bring her up from an infant and care for her. You don't even know her."

"And whose fault is that?" He blinked rapidly as if trying to wipe away an onslaught of tears. "You didn't give me a chance to mess up," he whispered in a hoarse voice.

Ellie shook her head. "You'd already messed up."