So, what was this goddess of womanly delights doing, spending the evening with Boston Kincaid? Actually, it was all because of his pain-in-the-ass first cousin, business partner, best friend. Cameron was out of town on a business trip, and when he'd called an hour before with his request, Boston had only managed to wing up his eyebrows in surprise.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"Excuse me? Did you just ask me to spend the evening alone with your gorgeous wife?" Boston gave a quick, ornery grin. "Well, sure thing, buddy. No problem."

"You guys won't be alone, smartass," Cam growled through the phone. "I already know you're headed to your brother's for supper. I just want you to take her along for company. She misses me bad this time."

Boston snorted. "No, she doesn't. She loves it when you're gone. Then she can finally spend time— alone—with me."

It had to be one of Boston's favorite pastimes to needle his cousin about his gorgeous wife. Cam had never been so prickly or possessive before. It'd been sickening and a little heartrending to watch his best friend take the plunge into marriage. Sometimes Boston couldn't help but be a tad jealous when he saw a grinning, satisfied Cameron stroll into work each morning...especially when he knew exactly what his friend was getting every night.

"In your dreams," Cameron scoffed, "I mean, go ahead and try your best to steal her, but..." He let out a self-satisfied sigh. "You won't succeed. I fear I've ruined her for every other man out there."

Boston chuckled as he hung up. In the back of his mind, though, the little green bug of envy nipped at him, and his antsy, twitchy need for sex doubled.

Olivia opened the passenger side door, and a cool, damp breeze entered with her.

Entertained by watching her try to close the umbrella and shut the door at the same time, Boston grinned. He genuinely liked Olivia. Not only was she fun to hang out with, but she 13

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

loved his best friend to distraction and had pulled Cameron from the depths of depression a year ago, probably saving his life. Boston would be forever grateful she'd come into his cousin's world.

"Hey, beautiful," he said and leaned toward her for a kiss.

Obliging, Olivia pressed her cold, wet mouth to his and pulled away grinning. "What's Shannon cooking tonight?" she asked, more concerned with eating than smooching on him.

Instead of answering, Boston continued to lean toward her. "I've got an idea. Let's skip supper at Monty and Shannon's and run off to Tahiti together instead."

"But I'm starving," Olivia said, fluttering her lashes in a begging manner.

Boston cocked his most devastating grin. "I'll stop by a drive-through on the way."

She smiled and stroked his face. "Tempting. But maybe next time. Shannon really is getting better with this whole cooking thing."

Ever since she'd been married to Boston's brother, his sister-in-law, Shannon, had enrolled in cooking class after cooking class as a hobby. She was currently learning all things Thai.

Boston sighed. "You're shattering my ego here, darling.

I'm not supposed to be thrown over for a home-cooked meal."

"Aww," Olivia cooed and kissed his cheek in a motherly gesture. "Don't worry. I still love you."

Finally returning to his side of the car, he laughed and rolled his eyes. "I'm guessing you've already talked to Cam,"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

he said, transforming from playful to all business. He was better with business anyway.