"Let's make a deal," he said. "How about I keep my hands off you. I stop trying to molest you on your front porch and you stop flaunting your dates in front of me, okay? I'm going stir-crazy enough as it is seeing you so much all of the sudden. I already see a mini-you every time I look at Cassie.

And it makes me ache like..."

His words faded off, but Ellie had already caught the gist of his meaning.

"I can't stand being around you both together without thinking how nice it'd be if we could just be one happy little family. But I realize that's not going to happen. So, if you could just, you know, totally hide the fact from me that you date other people, I can at least hold the insanity at bay. I can't handle the thought of another man touching you..."

Once again, he stopped talking and let the rest of his sentence hang. He glanced up at her, and Ellie stepped closer. His chest heaved as he sucked in a sharp breath. His eyes dilated, and she almost purred.

"Sure, we could do it your way," she said and reached out to run her finger up his chest. She smiled when she felt how defined his pecs were under the cloth of his shirt. Oh, yeah, he'd definitely improved over the years. "Or we could try my way?" she offered huskily.

Boston's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "What's your way?"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Ellie's smile finally bloomed to fruition. "You have fifteen minutes to get me to a bed, or I'm taking you right where we are." When he merely stared at her, she chuckled. "Think you can manage that, Law Boy?"

His eyes fell to her mouth, and he licked his own lips.

"Right here works for me."

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Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Chapter Twenty-Three

They came together in an explosion of need. Fingers dipping into hair, lips clinging to each other, they pressed their straining bodies to one another, already impatient for more.

Boston backed Ellie against the secretary's desk. Plastering his mouth to the side of her neck, he reached behind her long enough to shove the phone and forgotten datebook out of the way. Then he clasped her hips in his hands and lifted her onto the edge.

"You can't imagine how much I missed you," he rasped as he unhooked the button on her slacks and slid the zipper down.

Ellie hummed. "Probably about as much as I missed you."

Needing the taste of him in her mouth, she cradled his head in her hands and forced his face up for another kiss. He complied and deserted the task of shedding her pants to stroke his thumbs up either side of her jaw. Ellie cupped the back of his head and made a restless sound as she pushed her tongue farther between his teeth.

He was moving way too slow for her. Her juices were zinging, and the tempo from his hands and mouth were about three paces behind. Jerking back slightly, she watched his startled gaze move to hers.


But his answer came when she crossed her hands over her chest and lifted the hem of her shirt. He growled in approval 320

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

and reached to assist. As he pulled the last of her blouse off, she fumbled behind her, unfastening her bra. But before she was even done, he was cupping her breasts in his hands and rubbing his thumbs over the cloth. Just as she finished her task, the strap fell loose and slid off her shoulders.

Boston swooped down and kissed every inch of exposed skin as he pulled the contraption the rest of the way off.