"No...Boston." She sighed. "I don't want to sue anyone. I just want to forget this ever happened."

"Screw that," he snapped. "This guy isn't going to get away scot-free for doing this to you. And your boss...I'm going to nail his ass to the wall."

"That's not what I want, Boston. I—"

"Well, I don't care!" he exploded. "No one messes with the woman I love and gets away with it. I have to avenge you somehow."

Ellie pressed both hands to her chest. For a second, she was afraid she couldn't breathe. Then the air came in a rush and she gulped for oxygen gratefully.

"Why do you keep saying that?" she demanded on a hoarse gasp.

For a moment, Boston looked confused. Then he said,

"What? That I love you?" He shrugged. "Probably because I do."

"But..." Words failed her for a minute. She could only gape at him like he'd lost his mind. "But I just came here asking for money," she argued.

He frowned. "So?"

"Well, you should hate me. I kept your daughter from you, and now I'm demanding money. You can't love me."

Boston studied her quietly for a moment, then smiled gently. "Ellie," he sighed out her name. But she lifted her hands to stop him.

"No," she said. "You're a wonderful father. You're there for Cassie. You love her, and you make an effort. I see how much you try." She smiled again, with encouragement this time. "I 316

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

see Keller watch you and Cassie together whenever you come pick her up, and I see the envy in his eyes. His father doesn't pay attention to him the way you do her. You listen to what she says, and you're attentive."

Her eyes filled with tears. "I feel so awful that I kept that kind of love from her for nine years. You should hate me. I should've never told you I'd miscarried. You'll never know how sorry I—"

"Don't," he said softly. "I'm not upset about that anymore.


bsp; To tell the truth, in some ways, I'm kind of glad it worked out this way. I mean, I'm not glad I missed so much of her life, but I really wasn't ready to be a dad then, not like I am now.

Yes, I would've stayed around and been her father. But I think—I mean I'm pretty sure—I would've ended up just like Keller's dad if I had. I was too young and stupid to appreciate what I do now. I probably wouldn't have stopped to pay attention to her. I probably would've just turned into some pompous, self-serving—"

"Shh," Ellie said, lifting her hand to set two fingers over his lips. "Please don't let me off the hook that easily," she nearly begged.

"I would've taken you for granted too," he murmured softly, gently taking her wrist and tugging her away from his mouth. He didn't release his hold but merely moved his hand until his palm was sliding against hers. Their fingers interlaced.

"You're so different," he whispered. "You were amazing at nineteen. You made me want things I'd never wanted before.

But now...now, you're so much more."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"You're different too," Ellie said quietly.

Boston glanced away, unable to keep eye contact. Then he took a step back, releasing her hand as he blew out a breath.