She blinked. "That's it?" she said wearily. "You're just going to say okay?"

He shrugged. "I can afford it. And I owe it, so...yeah, that's all I'm going to say."

"Well, okay, then," Ellie said, blowing out another breath, relieved this time. "That was easier than I thought it'd be.


She looked up and met his gaze. All thought seemed to seep from her head.

Clearing her throat, she forced her stare away. "So, are you just going to talk to Helena and get it...figured out then?"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"That's exactly what I'll do," he assured her with a nod.

"You'll have your first check to you by the end of the week."

"Thank you," she said quietly and turned toward the door, more than ready to get out of there.

But Boston caught her arm. "Are you going to tell me why?" he asked, his voice curious and not at all upset.

Ellie laughed, hoping he didn't hear the nervous trill behind it all. "Why?" she repeated incredulously. "Isn't it obvious? I'd be a fool if I didn't snatch up all that money. That's why."

"I guess that means you're not going to tell me," he murmured.

"I just did," she argued, spinning around to frown at him.

But he shook his head. "No, you didn't. I know you, Ellie.

And I know it took every ounce of pride you have to come in here and ask this of me. You don't want my money. You'd go broke before you ever accepted a penny from me."

She laughed again, and this time she knew he could hear the desperation. Tears filled her eyelashes. "Well...I have gone broke, so...there you have it."

When she risked a glance toward him, he just stared at her. "What happened?"

She sighed and closed her eyes. There had never been any intention for her to tell him the truth, but for some reason the words just spilled out of her. "I lost my job today."

He pulled back in surprise. "At the lawyer's office?"

She nodded.


"I, uh..." She blew out a breath. "Do you remember the man I went out with this weekend?"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

He frowned, confusion in his crinkled brows, but nodded.
