But before she could turn her hide around and get out of there, the phone in the reception area of his office rang again.

Ellie glanced at it and then into the doorway at Boston.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Letting out a small sigh, she reached for the secretary's phone and pressed line two.

"EarthNet," she answered. "Boston Kincaid's office."

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Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Chapter Twenty-Two

As soon as Ellie set the phone on the cradle, it rang again.

Someone had wanted to cancel an appointment. Since Boston's planner had been sitting right there in front of her, Ellie had twisted it around and penciled in the cancellation.

She then wrote down a note to inform Boston of the news.

Gritting her teeth as the phone rang again, Ellie leaned forward to peek through the opened doorway into Boston's office. He was still busy with his first call. The phone kept ringing.

"Oh, all right," she muttered. "I hear you. EarthNet." She changed her tone to "pleasant secretary" as she picked up.

"Boston Kincaid's office."

There was a pause. Then, "Ellie?"

She frowned. "Yes? Who is this?"

The male on the other end chuckled. "It's Cam."

She felt herself flush from the base of her neck all the way up to the top of her head. Busted. "Oh...uh, hi," she offered, not sure how to explain herself.

"Hello again," he returned cheerfully. "Whatcha doing?" His tone had lowered to a husky pitch as if to ask, Whatcha wearing?

"I...uh, well...Boston's on the other line and..." Hmm.

"Well, the phone was just ringing and..."

"You thought you'd just answer it, hmm?" he finished for her. He sounded more amused than he did annoyed about the fact she was answering Boston's phone, so she shrugged.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"I thought I could take a message just as well as an answering machine, and his customer's would be more pleased with a more personable...uh, human voice."