Unable to speak a lie aloud, she merely bobbed her head yes. But he didn't believe her silent reassurance. Keeping a hold of her elbow, he said, "Let me show you where his office is." Then he glanced at the receptionist. "Patricia, could you have an unrestricted pass made up for Miss Trenton? She's allowed to visit Boston or me at any time."

Patricia's gaze sliced curiously toward Ellie, but she answered with a curt, professional, "Certainly, Mr. Banks."

"Ellie's the newest member of our family," Cameron elaborated with a proud grin Ellie's way. "I don't think either Bos or I have gotten around to informing you of the addition.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Oh! And while you're at it, could you make up a pass for her daughter, Cassidy, as well?"

"Cass—" The receptionists eyes went wide, and she gaped at Ellie in a new light. Now, there was a name she obviously recognized. "Oh," she breathed out in new understanding.

"I'm so sorry," she said in a rush. "I didn't realize—"

"Quite all right, Pat," Cameron interceded as he turned and ushered Ellie toward a bank of elevators. "This way, El."

After pressing the elevator button with his elbow, he glanced at Ellie. He seemed to take in everything at once. But he drowned the worry in his eyes by grinning at her.

"Have you eaten supper yet? I've got plenty here to share."

Ellie didn't think she'd ever be able to eat again. "Ah, no.

But thank you."

Cameron nodded and turned to watch the lights above the elevator with her. When the doors finally opened, he motioned for her to precede him inside. "It won't bother you if I eat in front of you then, will it?" he asked once they were closed alone in the metal box.

Ellie shook her head.

Cam's shoulders deflated in relief. "Thank God. I'm starving. Haven't eaten since breakfast. We've been swamped around here. I was actually supposed to be the one taking the client out to dinner tonight, but I had other things to do. So, I forced the job on Boston. He hates social schmoozing, so that made it even sweeter." He grinned at Ellie and winked. "It makes my day when I get to piss him off."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"If he's not going to be in a good mood, maybe I should just come back—"

"Nonsense," Cameron cut in happily. "He's always in a pissy mood. That's just our Bos for you. Ah, here we are," he said as they stopped. The number above the opening door read Eight.

"He shares the top floor with me," Cameron explained as he turned right and led Ellie toward an opened doorway. "This is his side."

His side? As in, the entire half of the eighth floor was his office?

Ellie could only gape in amazed wonder as she followed Boston's cousin into his side. It was beyond extravagant, and she had to question how she'd ever become acquainted with someone like Boston Kincaid in the first place. He lived so far above anything she was used to.

"There's a wet bar behind here if you're thirsty," Cameron offered, pressing a panel until part of the wall slid open.

"Television's here," he continued, opening another wall.

"Bathroom in there. And...there's a phone in here or one on the secretary's desk. I'm extension 801 if you need anything.

Well..." he started to back toward the exit. "I've got to get back to my work. Want to get home to Livy before she falls asleep."

Ellie wrung her hands as she glanced around. "Are you sure it's okay for me to wait for him here...by myself?"