Unable to believe her ears, Ellie felt her mouth pop open.

"You think I should send Cassie to live with Boston?"

Nora dropped her hand and turned to frown at Ellie. "Hell, no. I'm saying, he's been Cassie's father for nearly ten years now and, save for the past month, he hasn't done one thing to help raise her."

"But, that's my fault. I—"

"Doesn't matter," Nora interrupted. "The man owes you years of child support. Think about it, El. Every doctor's appointment, dentist bill, not to mention school supplies, clothes, food. He owes you, and he seems like someone who wouldn't balk too much at paying up. If he's even the slightest bit grateful for the wonderful girl you raised, he'll be more than pleased to reimburse you something."

"God, Nora, I can't—"

"Just hear me out." Nora lifted her hand to plead her case, but Ellie sat up in outrage.

"No," she said. "I refuse to take one penny from Boston.

He would've been here all along, paying half of everything if I hadn't lied to him. So, the way I see it, I forfeited all rights for child support."

"And what about now?" Nora asked.

"What about it?"

"Now, he knows," Nora murmured. "And he's involved.

Even if you didn't collect on the past nine years, you can start getting support from now on until she's eighteen. Admit it.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

With his help, you could hold back the debt collectors until you found yourself another job."

Ellie bit her lip and frowned. "But I don't want to rely on Boston or his money."

"And I don't want a husband who cheats on me with every willing woman that comes along." Nora shrugged and sent Ellie a sad smile. "Sometimes, we do what we need to, to get by. For our child's sake."

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Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Chapter Twenty-One

The building of EarthNet looked like some kind of space station more suited for the next millennium. Ellie sucked in a breath as she neared it. She couldn't believe Nora had actually talked her into doing this, couldn't believe she'd come all this way to ask for Boston's help. But she didn't know what else to do. She needed money...fast.

Since it was nearly seven in the evening, she'd gone to Boston's home first. The three-story brick building had been enough to intimidate her without seeing where he worked.

Boston lived in a friggin' mansion. No wonder Cassie was so excited to visit her dad again.

But Boston hadn't been home. Knowing he worked long hours, she'd decided to try his office next. Ellie should've called, but she was afraid he'd refuse to see her. He hadn't looked too receptive when he'd stared at her through the car window of his Infiniti as he'd dropped Cassie off the night before... God, had that only been last night? So much had happened since then.

He was no doubt still mad at her for going out with Ted in the first place. If he knew that good old Ted had gotten her fired, he'd probably laugh in her face. As it was, he was going to hate her when she told him she wanted to start receiving child support. Her shot for a new beginning with him was more than likely blown to hell.

There was no way he would want to be with her after she flaunted another guy in his face one night and then 298