did, roughly grabbing for her legs as if to tackle her, she yelped and brought up her knee again.

This time she caught him square in the face and felt cartilage crunch against her kneecap. It was sickening.

"My nose!" he bellowed, falling back on his butt to remove one hand from his crotch and cover his face.

"Get off my porch!" Ellie growled. " Now. Before I go for something else. And believe me, it'll be more painful."

She moved toward him and pulled back her foot like she was ready to punt a football. But thankfully, he scurried back away from her, tripping over himself in his haste.

"Crazy bitch," he repeated as he stumbled backward and waddled hunchback toward his truck.

"Don't ever ask me out again," Ellie called, wiping her palms together.

She stood like a mighty Amazon warrior on her porch, with her hands fisted until Ted crawled into his automobile and burned rubber, peeling out in his haste to leave. She watched him turn the corner at the end of the block.

"Wow," she finally said, letting out a pent-up breath. What a rush.

Ellie always thought she'd be scared and shaky after getting attacked by a man. But she wasn't scared now. She'd fought him off and chased him away, all by herself and without anyone else's assistance.

"God, that felt good."

"Well, it ought to," answered a voice from the dark. "You racked him good, honey."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Ellie yelped and swung to the right, spying the glowing tip of a cigarette butt coming from the middle of her yard.

"Nora?" she said, squinting through the dark.

She'd known her friend was a closet smoker, but she'd never actually seen Nora puff on anything.

She moved down the steps of her porch. "Did you just see all of that?"

"I did," Nora answered. "And I was headed over here to give you some help until you went and took matters into your own hands...or should I say, into your own knee."

Ellie grinned. "Well, thanks for thinking of me. I would've appreciated your help."

Nora shrugged and blew out a gust of smoke. "It would've have been my pleasure. I'm not a big fan of men these days.

If they're not trying to maul you on the goodnight kiss, they're screwing their new secretary in the tie you gave them for Christmas."

Ellie grew quiet, realizing Nora was not only smoking, but she was drunk and stewing too.

Nora sucked on her cigarette before saying, "I spent a long time picking out that tie, you know. It had to be just the right color to match his eyes and still go with all his suits." She blew out a stream of smoke and added, "Bastard."

Ellie quietly asked, "Is Dr. Young working late again?"

Nora always called it something other than what it was.

She'd say her husband was at a conference for the weekend or working late. Then she'd give Ellie a look that said she meant otherwise.


Delinquent Daddy