So, Ellie stepped in. "Do you have everything you need?"
she asked, lifting the overnight bag she'd already packed for Cassie.
"Check," her daughter answered with a cheeky smile as Boston reached out and took the bag from Ellie's hand. Their fingers brushed, and she immediately pulled away.
Ted frowned in consternation.
Ellie flushed. "All right then," she said to Cassie. "I'll see you on Sunday."
She went to hug her baby, but Boston only held his daughter out enough for Ellie to hug her. She wondered if he did that on purpose so she'd have to brush against him as she pulled Cassie close.
She looked at him and said, "Goodbye."
"'Bye," he said briefly.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Ellie couldn't read one expression on his face. He just stared at her a second longer and then turned away.
God, why did this have to happen?
She'd timed it so there should've been at least an hour between his departure and Ted's arrival. If Boston hadn't been so blasted late and Ted too freaking early, the two never would've been the wiser.
Boston set Cassie on her feet so she could walk out the door herself. Hooking his daughter's overnight bag over his shoulder, he took her hand and started her out.
They'd just cleared the doorway when Cassie's voice echoed back inside.
"I don't like that guy; he always talks to me like I'm four."
Ellie's face heated with color, and she was too afraid to glance toward Ted. Instead, she met Boston's cocky smirk as he glanced over his shoulder at her.
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Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Chapter Eighteen
The date was a total bomb.
Ellie blamed it entirely on Boston.
I'll wait as long as I have to until you're ready. Those stupid words repeated through her head a hundred times over during the course of her meal.
It was bad enough she'd had to see her old lover, the still prime Boston Kincaid, next to her date for the evening. That had ruined Ted's chances right there. There was no way Ted Barnaby would ever be able to make her feel what Boston had.
But then Boston had to go and say all that... crap to her right before Ted showed up. If only he'd kept his big mouth shut.
I'll wait as long as I have to until you're ready.
As Ted talked on about himself, regaling her with a story about his pet collie, Ellie saw Boston in her mind's eye the moment after he'd told her he loved her. He'd looked so shocked. The man had to be a star actor to fake that. Which led her to assume he hadn't meant to say it. But the true question was, did he mean it?