Determined to ignore her daughter's father, Ellie picked up a pair of earrings she'd le
ft sitting on the coffee table. She turned to look in a mirror and became engrossed with trying to put them on.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"You know I'm not doing this because of you," she grumbled to her reflection as she spoke to Boston. "In fact, if you hadn't been so late, I would've waited until after you were gone before I even started getting ready for tonight."
More in control of herself, she sighed in relief when the earring finally slid on. Then she whirled to face him. "So, there's no reason for you to think I'm trying to make you jealous, because I never intended for you to find out about it in the first place."
"Well, I'm jealous anyway," he said quietly.
The admission threw her off guard. This is what she hated most about Boston Kincaid. He never played fair. He always knew exactly what to say to draw her in.
Glancing away, she folded her arms over her chest, refusing to let his pretty words sway her. "That's not my problem."
"And if I make it your problem?" he countered, stepping closer.
She turned her face aside. "Boston—"
"I want to be with you, Ellie," he whispered, stopping her rejection short. "And I know you want it too. All I have to do it look into your eyes to see that you want—"
"Sex," she finished for him, turning to stare him directly in the eye.
Surprised by her cold, lifeless tone, he fell a step back.
"Excuse me?"
"We want sex," she said on an unconcerned shrug. "And why wouldn't we? It was always good between us. But that 266
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
was never the problem. There's more to a relationship than just—"
"I'm well aware of that," he cut in. "And if you'd give me half a chance, I'll show you I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get it right this time."
"No," she said.
He growled and grabbed a handful of his own hair. "Damn it, Elora," he gritted out. "What do I have to say to convince you—"
"Nothing," she said, pacing across the living room to gain some space. "Trust me. You've said quite enough."
Boston froze and looked at her as if she'd struck him. The instant hurt she saw in his eyes made her want to apologize, but she kept her mouth stubbornly shut.
Then he snapped his fingers and smiled. "Ah..." he cooed, his gaze lighting with delight. "Now I understand."
Ellie plopped a hand on her hip. "And just what do you think you understand?"
"You're scared."
She laughed out a snort. "Scared? You think I'm going out on a date tonight because I'm scared?"
He grinned and nodded. "Yes."