For a moment he was utterly confused. "What?" Then it struck him what she was saying. "You mean for custody."

She didn't answer. He blew out a breath, still shocked she was suddenly willing to compromise. "Um...okay. I accept every other week. Definitely."

"Fine." Her words were brisk, abrupt. "You can start next weekend. Bring a revised contract with you for me to sign."

"Okay. I can do that. Ellie—"

She hung up on him before he could say anything else.

Quietly he set his phone down, not sure what to make of this new development.

Either Ellie suddenly trusted him...or she couldn't stomach the idea of him coming to her place and spending any more time there to be with his daughter.

He had a bad feeling her reason was the latter.

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Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Chapter Sixteen

Eight days later, Cassidy had her first weekend with her father. While Ellie was ripe with apprehension, her daughter was beyond excited. Boston must've been a jumble of both emotions, because he called Ellie three times during the week, asking question after question. First he wanted to know if Cassidy had any allergies or phobias. Then he wanted to kno

w about her sleeping habits, her bedtime and if he needed to get her a nightlight.

Ellie couldn't help but melt every time she heard his nervous voice. And, in truth, spending most her time answering his questions and soothing his nerves eased her own worries. At least he was going to try to do things right.

Dealing with him also took her mind off the fact she'd be completely without her baby girl for a full forty-eight hours.

She needed to get a life. Letting her world revolve around her daughter had been all good and well until the girl went and deserted her every other weekend. Now, she just felt useless and lonely.

It was pure providence when Ted Barnaby came into her office one day. Ted was a partner in Barnaby & Murdock, an advertising firm in Lawrence. He kept Ellie's boss on retainer as their legal advisor. And every time he popped in for Winston to look over a contract, he had to stop by Ellie's desk to flirt. For the past three years since Winston had been dealing with him, Ted had asked her out on an average of once every two to three months.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

So, when he perched his hip on the corner of her desk, stole a mint from her candy jar and asked her what she was doing that Friday night, Ellie stared at him and thought, Why not? Cassie would be with Boston for their second weekend together, and she'd be all alone.

She'd been out of the dating world for so long, she didn't even know the rules anymore, but going out with a man she'd known for a few years seemed like a nice safe place to start.

Besides, it was way past time to spend a little social time with an adult of the opposite gender.

Before she could rethink her decision, she said, "Well, I hope I'm going to dinner with you."

Though he hadn't been moving around to do so, Ted fell off the corner of her desk. He caught himself before tumbling all the way to the floor and straightened instantly, tugging his suit jacket back into place as he did. Then he stared at Ellie in blunt surprise before saying, "Really?"

She laughed. "Was that not what you had in mind?"

"No!" he blurted out before he realized how unstylishly he was behaving. Then he cleared his throat, fiddled with the knot of his tie. "I mean...yes, that's what I had in mind. A nice, quiet restaurant with a little wine and candlelight was exactly what I had in mind."

Slipping right into flirt mode, Ellie twined a piece of hair around her finger. "And what time will you be picking me up Friday evening?"