They delighted. It was absolute heaven. The pads of his fingers pressed against the sides of her neck, and Ellie moved restlessly closer.
She wanted to touch every inch of him and explore, discover how much he'd changed.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
As his mouth clung to hers, ten years dissolved. They were in college again, reliving that moment when their kisses had always caught a groove and slipped into a deeper connection.
They flowed into one being, giving as much as they received, reaching inside each other and taking a piece of the other that could never be returned.
"Oh God, Ellie," he said. "I tried so hard to forget you. I wanted you out of my blood. But the more I tried, the more I remembered. I have never missed anything the way I miss this."
His whispered confession stirred her, right up until that line, I missed this.
Of course the only thing he'd think about when he thought of her would be sex. That was the only thing they'd ever had going for them. Any other kind of involvement had been taboo. And that was likely what he wanted again. More sex.
No emotion, no commitment. He'd already admitted to her today how he didn't want her to have any kind of power over him.
This could only be physical. And she would only end up hurt...again.
Boston slid his hand around her hip, nudging her against him. He was hard, ready. She yanked herself away, breathing heavily.
"No," she said, moving back a pace and putting space between them. "Th-that's enough."
He pursued. "It's not nearly enough."
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"No, damn it." She put a hand on his chest to stop him.
"Boston. I said no."
"Ellie." Her name rumbled from deep in his chest as he tried to come forward, but her palm held strong.
"We've already tried this once before," she argued.
"Remember how that turned out?"
"Yeah, with the creation of an amazing little girl who means the world to me."
The thrill his words had on her almost crumbled Ellie's defenses. It would be so easy, so simple, so sensual just to give in. No one had ever moved her like Boston Kincaid. No one had touched her, inside and out, the way he did.
And no one had hurt her as much.
It had been ten years, yes. His mother had proclaimed that he'd changed...for the better. He'd affirmed it himself and even admitted he hadn't one hundred percent cheated on her. But that didn't mean it would be different between them.
That didn't mean she had to go repeating the past and setting herself up for an even bigger fall.
This time, she couldn't run away when he shattered her heart. Not with Cassie between them.