"What're you two talking about?" he asked, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Not about you," Diane smarted back, making him scowl even more.

"Certainly not," Ellie agreed with a nod.

"It was mother talk," Diane reported airily. "You wouldn't understand."

When Diane hooked arms with Ellie's, making them a united front, Ellie almost burst out giggling. But the half wary, half worried look on Boston's face was so adorable the ice surrounding her feelings for him thawed even more.

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Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Chapter Fifteen

It was late when Boston finally pulled into Ellie's drive behind her old Toyota. Yawning and stretching, Ellie glanced in the backseat where her daughter was passed out cold.

"Look who wore herself out today," she commented with a small smile, all the while dreading the fact that she was probably going to have to carry seventy-five pounds of dead weight inside by herself.

Boston grinned as he put the car into park and killed the engine. "I'm surprised she lasted this long. If I'd been going full steam the way she did all day, I'd have been down for the count hours ago."

"Oh, to be so young again," Ellie murmured wistfully.

"No doubt," he agreed and let out a long, weary sigh.

"Okay, then," he said, rubbing his hands together. "I'll get the kid if you get the door."

Ellie lifted her face in surprise, her lips parting. "You don't have to do that."

He frowned. "Come on, Ellie. She probably weighs just about as much as you do. There's no way you can carry her."

Then he turned and studied his unconscious daughter. "Or, I guess we could wake her."

Ellie bit her lip. Cassie was an utter monster when woken from a deep sleep. "Are you sure you don't mind carrying her?"

She wasn't used to this. She'd been a single mother, making it on her own, for nearly ten years. She did 249

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

everything herself. It just felt...weird for someone to step in and actually offer assistance.

Boston sent her an odd look, like he was disappointed in her lack of dependence. "I don't mind," he said quietly and opened the door.

Ellie scurried to follow. Hustling ahead of him to the porch, she unlocked the front entrance. Holding it open for Boston, she tried to step out of the way, but the elbow he held jutted out to cradle Cassie still brushed across her chest.

They both lifted their gazes, and when their eyes met in the light of the streetlamps, liquid heat pooled low in Ellie's stomach. Ignoring the way her nipples hardened and her thighs tensed, she followed Boston down the dark hall to Cassie's room and turned on the girl's nightlight so he could see where to lay his sleeping daughter.

Once he had Cassie on the mattress, both adults worked to remove her shoes and socks. Then Boston stepped back while Ellie slipped off Cassie's jeans and shirt. But as soon as she had the child stripped to her underwear and the blankets pulled up to her chin, he returned to kneel beside Cassidy and press a brief kiss to her forehead. The nine-year-old didn't even stir.

Both parents moved toward the door together, but when Ellie noticed that Boston had stopped at the entrance to glance back at Cassidy, she paused as well.

"It gets you right in the chest when she's asleep like this, doesn't it?" he whispered. "I mean, it's pretty amazing when she'd awake and active. But when she's all innocent and 250