Living where she did, she was used to pricey automobiles cruising her block. To the left of her house, the Young family owned a loaded Escalade and a Mercedes Benz, and her neighbors to the right drove a Bentley. For a shiny new Infiniti to be parked directly in front of her sidewalk, however, was unusual. She glanced up and down the street, wondering if maybe one of her neighbors was having a get-together, and the Infiniti had merely been looking for a spot to rest. But, 31
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
no, the roadside wasn't crowded with an overabundance of parked vehicles. Therefore, there was really no reason for someone to park directly in front of her place.
Shrugging off the curiosity, Ellie turned around and started up her front walk. For a moment, she was busy trying to juggle her two sacks of food while digging her house key from her purse. She didn't notice the man until she nearly plowed into him.
She saw the shoes first, a fancy pair of brown suede loafers. They were large, obviously belonging to a male, and partially covered by the hem of tan slacks.
And they were planted on the top step of her porch.
Ellie screamed and dropped her groceries. The shoes moved, taking a step down. Her gaze shot up even as she bent at the knees to retrieve her spilled goods.
And that was where she froze, face tipped up, knees slightly bent, back stooped over, and hand reaching down to snatch her sacks.
Her mouth fell open. "Oh," she breathed in awe as she took in the whole majestic form.
She'd hate to break it to this guy, but if he had anything nefarious in mind, he might want to rethink his life of crime, because honestly, you couldn't really rape the willing.
He was absolutely gorgeous. Tall, dark, handsome, glaringly rich. Too bad all those features turned her off because, well, hello...the way he stared made her think he'd seen her naked and wanted her that way again. Soon.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"Um..." she offered, biting her lip and bending just a little more to grab her bags. "Hello," she finally said and straightened. "Can I...can I help you with something?"
She glanced back toward the Infiniti. Definitely his. Stylish, sleek, a bit conservative while still managing to scream money.
"Yes," he said. "I really think you can help me...Ellie."
That voice.
Ellie whirled back and gaped as the man glided the rest of the way off the porch and took the last three steps toward her.
Oh, God, she knew that walk, that oh-so-gracefully smooth stroll. And that voice. She definitely knew that voice.
Eyes snapping to his face, she searched for familiar features until the young man she'd once known took form in the face of the adult before her. When he sent her a half sneer, half smile, she dropped her groceries again.
" Boston?"
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Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Chapter Three
"Been a while, huh?" Boston said, skimming a quick gaze down her body before eyeing the two mangled bags at her feet.
"Oh, my God," Ellie blurted out. "What... How...oh, my God." She covered her opened mouth with her hands and gaped at him over her shaking fingers.