Page 67 of Say You Swear

For the next hour or more, they’re completely entertained.

They hop up between bites, point out different things they saw, rewinding and re-watching several plays while Cam and I sit back laughing at the personality they show on the field. Far too much swag for one team.

Full of food and beer, we settle in for a movie, allowing Brady to talk us into a two-hour Marvel movie.

Somewhere along the way, I must have passed out, because the next thing I know, Noah’s whispered, ‘hey,’ has my eyes peeling open.

I sit up, adjusting my head on the couch pillow. “Hi.”

His lips curve to one side. “Brady went to his room a while ago, but the others knocked out with you.”

I shift, looking to find Chase asleep in the recliner, Mason and Cam passed out on a pile of blankets on the floor.

“I notice she’s been hanging out with Trey more and more,” he says quietly.

I nod, staring at them. “Yeah. I’m glad. I got it wrong about my brother. He loves her, but not the way she hoped.”

“And her, how does she feel?”

“She’s… happier now.” I nod, my smile gentle and pointed at my best friend. “Done waiting.”

When a minute goes by and Noah doesn’t speak, I look over to find his eyes on me.

My lips turn up and I reach out, brushing his hair aside. It’s so soft, so unexpectedly soothing that I don’t stop.

He stares, unblinking, and when he speaks again, his tone is lower than a whisper. “Are you?”

“Am I what?”

“Waiting.” Deep lines cover his forehead and his chest inflates with a full inhale. “Are you still waiting?”

My heartbeat jumps. Thumps. Does a fucking somersault.

But a small sting still follows when I move my eyes to the brown-haired boy in question, who isn’t asleep after all, but lies there in the dark, wide awake, staring right at me.

I swallow, slowly turning back to Noah. To my hand, still caressing his hair.

To his eyes, still locked on me.

“No,” I find myself murmuring, and something stirs along his face. “I’m not.”

“Whenever you’re ready to tell your best friend, you know, me, what the hell that was last night, I’m all ears.”

I drop onto the sofa next to Cam, propping my feet up on the coffee table beside hers. I grin to myself, tossing a piece of stale cereal in my mouth. “What are you talking about?”

“I will cut you.” She holds her eyebrow razor out, looking over quickly before focusing on the small hand mirror in her palm. “Give me the juice. Are you boning our mega hot quarterback and not telling me?”

“Get real!” I laugh, snagging the remote from her lap. “Like I wouldn’t tell you if I were.”

“But you want to.”


“Have you kissed him? Touched? Anything?”

“Oh my god, no.”

“Why not?” she gapes. “You like him.”

“He’s my friend.” My temples thud after I say it, and I rub my lips together. “I like hanging out with him.”

She scowls, gauging me. “You know he wants you, right?”

When I don’t respond, she shifts toward me.

“Ari.” Her eyes widen. “It’s so obvious.”

Pulse pounding, I shake my head.

After a moment, Cameron sighs and pushes to her feet. “You know, for a girl who spent so much time hoping for a guy to open his eyes… you might want to open yours this time.”

With that, she heads into the shower, and I don’t move from my place on the couch.

I know what she’s saying, and I think she’s right but…

What if she isn’t?

What if Noah cares for me like Chase does?

A lot, but not the same?

Not enough?

I’m not so sure I could handle another let down.

Something tells me I couldn’t.

Especially from Noah.

Chapter 20


* * *

Finally home, I strip out of my clothes and head for the shower.

The second the warm water soaks into my scalp, Cameron’s voice reaches me from the hall.

“Hey!” She knocks twice and opens the door to slip inside. “How was the workout with Brady?”

“About as successful as you’d expect.”

“How many times have they told you to stick to jogging?”

“Too many to count.” I smile, massaging shampoo into my scalp. “How’d your test go?”

“Good until I got to the stupid essay question, but I don’t think it’ll hurt me too much. I basically made up a bunch of shit and worded it like a mastermind, so I’m hoping he just gets confused and gives me the points anyway.”

“Sounds like a solid plan.”

“I thought so,” she jokes. “Hey, so, I’m going to dinner with some of the girls from the first floor. I can wait for you to get ready if you want to come?”

“No, I’m going to stand here with my eyes closed for a solid ten minutes, and then it’s spanx game strong.”

“Sounds like a blast.” Cameron chuckles. “I’m going to change and head out. I’ll be in late; I think Trey’s picking me up from the restaurant after for a movie or something.”