Page 46 of Say You Swear

“Morning, sunshine.”

My eyes narrow playfully and I take a step back, welcoming him inside. “Good morning, Noah.” I close the door and lean against it, crossing my arms over my braless chest.

I watch wordlessly as he takes the few steps toward the kitchen, setting a drink holder ,of what I assume are coffees, and a café bag on the bar-like countertop. Noah pulls a water bottle from the pocket of his hoodie, twists off the cap and sets it down beside the other items. His hand slips into the front pocket of his jeans next, sliding right back out with a small bottle of Excedrin, and finally, my tired, hungover mind catches on.

Noah didn’t only come here to check on me; he came to take care of me.

It’s clear he’s been up for a while. He’s bright-eyed and fresh in a pair of jeans, a lightweight gray hoodie similar to the one I’m wearing, and his dark hair is swiped to the right, like he ran a quick hand through it and called it a day.

He turns to me, his face all-business.

“Here.” He lifts his closed fist, holding my gaze with his.

I suppress a grin as I push off the door and meet him where he stands, opening my hand as requested.

He pushes my sweatshirt back with the inner part of his middle finger and my eyes drop to the contact, confused when the exposed skin of my wrist prickles. Noah sets the pills in my palm, quickly passing me the water bottle.

Water in one hand, pills in the other, my eyes lift to his.

A soft smile forms along his lips as if in answer to the question I didn’t have to ask.

“I wanted to make sure you were all right. Cam showed up at the house about an hour ago and said you were still in bed,” he tells me.

My face transforms into a frown before I can stop it, let alone process the reason why, and Noah laughs.

“I didn’t decide to come after I heard.” He grins. “I was already planning on coming here before I spotted her.”

I squish my lips to the right, fighting the blush threatening to spread.

Noah sees it, the heat rising along my neck, but he’s a gentleman about it and turns away, leaving me to my awkwardness.

Why would it matter if he only came because Cam likely made it sound like I died and came back a zombie? I wasn’t that drunk, and it’s not like I expected him to show at all. Why would he?

I squeeze my eyes shut and give myself a mental shake before dropping the pills in my mouth and finishing off half the water bottle.

“So.” Noah speaks with his back to me. “I got plain coffees to play it safe, figuring if you were a coffee girl, you’d have creamer already, and a couple breakfast sandwiches.”

I walk around him and pull out both Cam’s caramel creamer and my thin mint one, placing them on the counter in front of him.

He looks at the bottles, his eyes narrowing in thought. “I think caramel’s too basic for you.”

“I don’t know… I am kind of basic,” I tease.

“I disagree.” He smirks, removing the lids and adding one creamer to each until the paper cups are full and then places them both in front of me. “Prove me wrong.”

I lift a brow, grabbing the caramel one as he eyes me, and then I set it in front of him, our laughter following.

A satisfied grin pulls at his lips as he pulls the sandwiches from the bag. “Ham or sausage?”

I scrunch my nose and his face falls.

“You don’t like either?” he nearly pouts, and my smile is instant.

“I like both, and I’m dying to drink this coffee, but… mind if I shower?” Maybe, I don’t know… put some pants on?”

He frowns, his attention immediately dropping to my bare legs, and then his dark brows jump. “Shit. I’m sorry.” He spins on his heels, running a hand over the hair at the base of his skull.

I laugh. “I’ll be quick if you want to find something to watch. Unless you can’t stay, of course, then thank you for—”

His glances over his shoulder. “I can stay.”

“Okay, then.” I grin, grab my coffee and lift it. “Thank you, Noah. Seriously.”

He nods as I make my way into my room to grab my things. It’s times like this I appreciate the private bathroom Cam and I were blessed enough to get.

In the shower, I think about Noah being here, as well as how Mason would murder the man if he knew. Actually, maybe it’s me who he’d murder for allowing Noah in like nothing, but I don’t know. He lives in the same house as my brother, plays on the same team, and so far, no one has had a bad word to say about the guy. Mase would have never left me on the beach with Noah that day if he didn’t trust him in some manner, let alone invite him to the bonfire that day, so it doesn’t feel like a bad move.