Fuck it. If we were going public, then we were going public.

“I’m going to need you to draw me up another one of those,” I said to Alek, motioning toward the embers in the fireplace.

“Is that your subtle way of asking for my sister’s hand, Hawke?” He cocked an eyebrow.

“Nope. Not asking. Taking with or without your permission.” I looked him straight in the eye and dared him to deny me, dared him to deny her.

Every male in the room cracked a smile, including Alek.

Ajax flat-out laughed as he picked up my daggers from their various locations around the room.

Avi released her bite and licked over the wounds, then lifted her head, settling those blue eyes on me. “My permission is the only one that matters,” she teased. Her voice was weak, and she was still too pale for my liking, but her heartbeat was strong and steady. She leaned up and brushed her lips over mine.

It was symbolic, her way of claiming me in front of her brother, and I understood.

I took my first deep breath since she’d began screaming last night. “You’re okay.”

“I’m okay,” she promised, cupping my cheek and offering me a weak smile. “And you have my permission because I love you, Hawthorne. And I need you to know that I told Samuel that I couldn’t go through with it. I couldn’t marry him when I already belonged to you in every possible way. I just couldn’t. It was all wrong.”

“It’s fine,” I assured her, noticing that everyone had shuffled from the room to offer us a little privacy. “Even if you had signed it, I just would have killed him and then done whatever it took to win you back, to put that mark back on your hand.”

“It came back when I realized the bond was still there, however frail it felt. We couldn’t break it, and I realized it was because you never said the words, you never let go.”

“I never will.” I held her close and stood, anxious to get her out of this house and back to the safety of the residence.

“You didn’t chase after Samuel,” she whispered as I carried her into the hallway. “You stayed with me.”

The others were downstairs. I could hear them talking in the foyer.

“You were dying,” I pressed my lips to her forehead. “God, Avi. Don’t ever do that to me again.”

“Make you choose between duty and me?” she teased, settling her head on my shoulder.

“Try to die.” I inhaled, taking her scent into my lungs. “There is no choice between you and duty. You win. You will always win.” We started down the curved staircase. “I’m not some politically-minded aristocrat, Avi. I don’t have aspirations, and my only goals have always been to serve your brother and protect you. And I know I’m lowborn—”

“I’ve never cared.” She slid her hand into my hair and I paused midway down the staircase. “I have loved you from the first second I set eyes on you, Hawke. I don’t care who your mother and father were. You’re mine. And I couldn’t be more grateful that you’re not one of those prancing bluebloods. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”

My heart threatened to beat out of my chest.

“Even if I refuse to dance with you during one of the stupid balls that tradition demands we hold?” I questioned, a corner of my mouth rising in a smirk.

“Oh, you’ll dance.” She grinned. “Because it will make me happy to brag that I managed to capture the elusive Hawke’s heart.”

Yeah, I’d fucking dance for her. I kissed her forehead and continued down the stairs to where everyone waited, using the time to discuss our next steps. Benedict needed to question to servants so the innocent wouldn’t be punished. The manor needed to be searched for any documents that might lead us to the Sons of Honor. Samuel needed to be found and brought forward publicly, dead or alive…and I didn’t give a shit about any of it. My only care was for the female in my arms. The rest of it could wait.

“Hawthorne,” Avi whispered just as my feet hit the marble entryway.


Her brow puckered. “You do realize that mating me…marrying me means that you’re second-in-line to the throne.”

I blinked. “Uh. No.”

Ajax muffled a laugh.

“Uh. Yes.” She leveled a stare at me. “Even if it’s as King-Consort, you would still sit at my side if something happens to Alek.”

“Fuck me.” The only part of that arrangement I wanted was Avi. Avianna on my arm, Avianna wearing my mark, Avianna in my bed. No thrones. No crowns. Nope.

“Does that change things?” she whispered, fear streaking across her eyes.

“No.” I shook my head and walked toward Alek. “You need to knock up Lyric. Now.”

Alek’s eyes flew wide. “I’m sorry?”

“You heard me. Get that mate of yours pregnant. Stat. I don’t want your fucking throne.”