“They’re trying to burn us alive,” Ajax seethed, his eyes narrowing. “I’ll take those fuckers.”

“Three there.” I gestured to the DJ booth, where three Sons had weapons pointing into the crowd. “I’ll get those.”

“Looks like Jocelyn has that under control,” Ajax noted, nodding toward the dance floor where Jocelyn’s powers held another two Sons immobile. Valor protected her back. “And Benedict is already gaining his feet. Spry, that one is.”

It was creepy as hell to see Benedict mid-motion, his body lurching toward Jocelyn even as his gaze tracked where my body had fallen a millisecond before.

That’s what mating did to you. It controlled your actions, put your mate above everything—everyone else in your list of priorities. Hell, I’d been searching for Avianna instead of assessing threats, which was exactly how I’d ended up shot.

“You about ready to get back at it?” Ajax rolled his shoulders, taking in the details around us.

“This is a pretty fucking convenient gift to have in a battle.” He could rest as long as he wanted, even have a goddamned snack, before jumping into the fray.

He nodded, a sly smirk playing over his face. “It’s why I’m undefeated. In everything.”

I blinked. “You cheated last week when we were playing poker.”

“I used every skill in my possession. Anyone who does less isn’t a worthy opponent.” He shrugged before his gaze narrowed once more on the surrounding scene. “Saint isn’t here.”

“You can tell that with a look?”

“No. I can tell that because everyone is running. Saint’s MO is to take them out at the knees by stealing their vision. These people would be crawling, not running.”

Just like we had been at the farmhouse.

I unsheathed my Sig, turning toward my targets. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Excellent. Have fun.” He cracked his knuckles and reached for his gun.

“Have fun?” People were screaming and shot around us.

He shrugged. “We can’t do shit about the innocents already harmed, but we can gleefully take out vengeance in their name.” A chilling smile curved his mouth.

“Right. Have fun. I mean, you too.” And they called me the sadist.

He dropped the time anomaly, and the world picked right back up where it had been at full speed. I breezed past the Son I’d already killed, retrieving my dagger with a swift pull. There was a satisfying gurgle as he crumpled, but I was already moving, my speed making an obstacle course out of the hail of bullets from the DJ booth.

I got off two shots to the head, taking two of the Sons down instantly, and the third stumbled backward, pinned to the wall with my dagger. Springing over the DJ booth, I landed between the bodies of the fallen Sons and pinned my sights on the third.


His fear was loud and clear as he fumbled for another weapon. Two quick jerks of my wrist had his hands affixed to the wooden frame of the wall.

He screamed.

“Why here?” I asked, pressing another blade to his throat before he could inhale.

Adrenaline streamed out of his pores like cheap cologne.

“Why. Here?” I repeated, letting my blade nick the skin. The noise behind me died down to just whimpers and cries of pain. The violence was over, at least for the innocents.

“Got a tip that the females were here.” He flashed a wide, mad smile. “That’s the easiest way to take out an assassin, don’t you know? Go after their mate.”

I froze, my senses tripping down the golden tether of my bond with Avi. I felt her curiosity, but no panic, and quickly severed the connection. The Sons had been after our mates.

Rage flickered my vision red, but before I could ask another question, he foamed at the mouth and his body seized. I knew the scent.

“Cyanide,” Benedict said, landing at my side.

“Yep.” There would be no questioning him now.

“You okay?” he asked, scanning my torso.

“Vest.” I tilted my head and paused before retrieving my daggers. “And Ajax.”

“That’s how it seemed so coordinated. Because it was.” He nodded, glancing back over his shoulder toward Jocelyn.

“Do you think they were terrorizing—”

“They were after the females. Our females.”

Benedict paled.

If Avi and I accepted our bond—or hell, just didn’t reject it at this point, she’d be next on their targeting list. Even married to Samuel, she’d be my weakness. She’d be in danger. My chest ached, the truth screaming at me to be acknowledged, like that could somehow save us—save her.

I was in love with her. That was the only logical explanation for the agony in my chest, the peace I felt knowing she wasn’t here, the fear that eroded my common sense at the thought of her being targeted. The rage…that was the bond. The terror? That was love.

I may as well have painted a bull’s-eye on her back.

I had to end it now.

“When you asked me if I wanted to go on a field trip, I didn’t think you meant to a residential apartment building,” Avianna joked as the elevator rose, carrying us to the penthouse of the small, but well-protected building.