Then he turned to me, edging Jace out, and hugging me tight. “So glad you’re here tonight.”

He really was a good guy. Worked hard at his job. But I knew what happened to Joseph had struck close to home for him. That the case haunted him in a way that I was sure kept him up at night.

“It’s your birthday. I wouldn’t have missed it,” I said.

He edged back, looking me in the eye. “You’re a good girl, Faith.”

“Ha, that’s just what she wants you to think.”

My attention jerked to the side to Courtney, who’d broken through the crowd, Felix wrapped all around her from behind, his face pressed into her hair.

“Just because I’m standing next to you, it doesn’t mean I’m reflecting who you are,” I shot back.

Her mouth dropped open. “That hurt, Faith. Hurt bad.”

But she was grinning the way she always did, and she stepped up to hug me. Then she grabbed me by the outside of both shoulders, looking me up and down.

“I told you to wear something sexy, I didn’t tell you to come in here and completely show me up. You make every single person in this room look bad.”

My chest heated, the warmth crawling my neck to land on my cheeks. “Courtney. You’re ridiculous. Have you looked in the mirror today?”

“Have you?”

My head minutely shook.

She swung hers in Jace’s direction. “Of course, it doesn’t help that you’re with him.”

That blush became a full flush.

Clearly, she’d been pre-gaming, a buzz making her words come fast and unfiltered. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t completely right.

The man was something to look at. So dark and powerful and massive where he stood two feet off, watching me say hello to everyone.

The man delicious.

Decadent and dangerous in a way that was making my belly twist and my mouth water.

There I went, mind tumbling down that treacherous path. A path that led right to the man I’d promised I’d never allow to hurt me again.

I had to rip my attention away from Jace when Mack started introducing a bunch of his friends from the station and some of his other friends. Everyone had taken up residency at a few of the round tables along the wall. Close to the stage, but far enough back that everyone could still relax.

I smiled, recognizing a few of them, wondering how many others had heard what I’d been through. If any of them were speculating. Judging me for being there.

But I couldn’t contemplate that.

Not when Jace was suddenly back at my side, his arm firmly planted around my waist, his voice nothing but a growl in my ear. “Stay close.”

To him?

It’d always been impossible to be anywhere else.



A couple of hours had passed since we’d first arrived. The club had gotten busier, packed wall to wall, droves of people crowding into the enormous space.

Carolina George had just finished playing an incredible set.

The country band was well-known in the area, traveling from Southern city to Southern city to play in dive bars and huge venues alike, their following growing greater.

People flocked all the way from neighboring states to get a chance to listen to the angelic voice of Emily, their lead singer, whose talent was out of this world.

When they had ended their set for the night, a DJ had taken over. Dance music pumped from the speakers, a low resonating bass, the vibe shifting into something seductive and dark.

I’d been surprised when Courtney had managed to lure Faith onto the throbbing dance floor.

But there she was, out there in a circle with Courtney and some of their other friends.

Having fun.

Just like I’d promised her.

I leaned against the wall, watching her. Satisfaction buzzed through my being, another part of me itching because she was more than an arm’s length away.

But, God, I loved seeing her this way. Removed from the sorrow and the grief and the trauma. Removed from the need to constantly watch over her shoulder.

I was doing my best to focus on that and not on the way that she was moving.

This sexy, slow rhythm as she danced. Hips jerking and swaying. The movement of her body casting some sort of spell.

I wondered if the girl had any idea how captivating she was. How every asshole in the place was watching her, wondering if he had any chance of taking her home.

Like I was any better.

The only thing I could think about right then was edging up behind her and claiming her as my own.

Wrapping my arms around that slender waist from behind, tucking her ass close, my nose at her neck as we moved.

A hand clapped down on my shoulder. I jumped about ten feet in the air.

Ian smirked, voice wry. “Jumpy.”

My eyes narrowed. “Not like we haven’t been dealing with some scary shit.”

That was right when Mack broke away from the group of detectives he was chatting with, their laughter loud, their mood rowdy.