“I lied to you.”

Emotion twisted across her face, and her head canted to the side. “Because you loved me.”

“I hurt you.”

She brushed those fingertips across my bottom lip, and I nearly came undone. “Because you had to.”

“I . . .” I struggled for the words, the sound of them gruff when they finally broke free, my heart cracking right there in the open. “I can’t stand the thought of you looking at me and seeing what you lost instead. What I stole from you.”

Moisture gathered in her eyes, and I thought she’d step away, but she moved closer, so close I could feel the warmth coming from her sweet, sweet skin.


Like she’d just run through the gardens.

All I wanted was to bury my face in her neck, to breathe her in.

“When I close my eyes, I see you. When I think of you, I see us together. When I look at you, I see where I belong. I see you.”

My teeth gritted. “I betrayed Joseph, Faith. My own blood.”

Her head shook. “You saved him, again and again. I know what he did, Jace. It was Joseph who betrayed us. I will forgive him . . . someday . . . I will.”

She searched my face, those eyes caressing every inch. “You asked me in my kitchen if I knew all the horrible things you’d done in your life, if I could forgive you, and I promise you, there is nothing to forgive. The more I know about you, the more I love you. You are the best man to ever walk into my life.”

She searched my face. “Do you remember you once told me I taught you how to believe? That I had given you the hope that you were worth so much more than the world gave you credit for? That I helped you accept you were destined for great things?”

She ran her fingers down my chest. “It was you who brought all of that back to me, Jace. You who brought me back from despair. From fear and helplessness. It was you who made me believe I deserved more.”

She wet her lips, her words rough. “I let you walk out of my life once, I’m not willin’ to do it again.”

“But Faith—”

She pressed a finger to my lips, and I swore I could feel the earth shift. The world spinning. “The only thing I need to know is whether you love me for me or out of obligation. If you love me because you ache for me or if this was always about Joseph stealing me away.”

The branches whipped and the trees howled.

My hands found her precious face. I tilted her face up to me. “Do I love you?”

I blinked, savoring every curve and line of her face. “You are the one who taught me what that really means. You are the one who showed me what it was to believe in it.”

I squeezed her cheeks in emphasis. “You are love, Faith. You are my heart. You are my beauty. My world doesn’t know how to exist without you.”

Tears streaked down her face. “Then let me be yours. Forever. Don’t leave me, because I need you more than I’ve ever needed anything in my life. Tell me you’ll stay . . . because I don’t wanna go on dreamin’ without you.”

I glanced down at Bailey, who was completely wrapped around Faith’s leg as she grinned up at me. “Will you stay, Jacie?”

I stood there, wondering if this was real. If this was possible. If I could ever be good enough.

Her words from so long ago filtered through my mind.

“It doesn’t matter what anyone says, Jace. It’s what you believe. What you see in yourself. If you want it badly enough, you can have it.”

“I believe in us.” It came out without question. Without hesitation.

A tremble of a smile moved across her lips. “You became my dream. Tell me you’ll live it with me. Let’s dream again.”

“Always. I’ll fight for you. Love you. And I promise that I won’t ever walk away.”

Faith choked out soggy laughter. “Good. Then I’m goin’ to need help painting that sign.”

I shifted that way, squinting as I peered at the outline.

Broadshire Blooms Bed & Breakfast

She inched up and whispered in my ear. “Come stay at the BBB. Well . . . almost.”

I laughed.

Laughed, and then I was rushing to hug her tight, hope billowing over.

Spilling out on the land.

Dream after dream after dream.

A family.

I wanted it, and I’d never stop fighting for it. I drove my fingers in all that lush, long hair, and I kissed her like she was my last breath.

That was exactly what she was.

My last breath.

Every breath until the very end.

Bailey tugged at my pant leg, and I ripped myself away, my heart pressing so damned full.

She was lifting a full gallon of paint, her little arms straining as she curved all the way back so she could show me what she had.